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Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.
April 26, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM
吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM
刮痧是用一定的工具,如邊緣光滑的湯匙、銅錢、硬幣或較專業的牛角骨等製成的刮痧板,配上一些按摩油或是保濕霜等潤滑劑之類,,依據中醫經絡腧穴理論,在體表進行相應的手法刮拭,以防治疾病的方法。是中國民間流傳的傳統療法。刮痧後有些病人 感到局部或周身輕鬆、舒適、胸腹開暢、症狀消失,其原理在於人體應對疼痛刺激分泌的內啡肽。尤其可治療感冒,包括新冠狀病毒,和疼痛性疾病有立竿見影的效果,並且還能協助診斷疾病。
吳亞儒中醫師會在這個週日,在這堂課 親自示範,教你如何用家裡的日常用品,就地取材,學習刮痧。
Gua Sha (Scraping) Therapy
Apr 26, 2020
Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM
This lecture is about Gua Sha therapy. It will teach you the disinfection, the techniques and which body parts to do Gua Sha, the time length of Gua Sha, the taboos, and treatment of common symptoms by Gua Sha. This lecture will include explanation and demonstrations.
Gua Sha is to scrap bodies with certain tools, such as spoons with smooth edges, copper coins, coins, or more professional grade horn bones, with some massage oil or moisturizing cream and other lubricants applied to the patient’s body. The treatment method of repeated scraping on the treatment place is a traditional therapy used by Chinese. After scraping, some patients feel relaxed, comfortable; they feel their chest relaxed and abdomen open, and symptoms disappear. The principle idea of this treatment is that our body responds to pain and stimulates by the secretion of endorphins.