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278 items found

  • Chinese Food Therapeutics

    July 26, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 中醫食療的訣竅 是如何通過判定個人體質,然後選擇適合自己的食療方式。 在這個中醫食療講座裡,有加州針灸執照的針灸師吳亞儒中醫師, 通過講解如何按照中醫觀念來判定你的體質,然後依食物的四性五味來選擇適合你的食療。只有適合你的才是最好的。食療也是如此。 1/71 食療是中醫養生的重要組成部分。 吃什麼;吃多少;怎麼吃才是對你的健康最好的呢?真正的答案是:怎麼吃的適合你的體質才能對你的健康更好。 中國人的養生習慣,常常就是問該吃點什麼補一補? 當今社會,在營養過剩的情況下,加上各種補品;維他命;各種神奇的蔬果和營養品的宣傳,都在大行其道。但很多人都沒有從中醫的角度去了解你吃的到底適不適合你的身體。 東西雖好,真的適合你嗎? ! 中醫講的食療實際上是吃適合你身體體質狀態的食物,對你才是最"補"的。 中醫認為,吃的不合適,人參也是毒品;吃的合適,砒霜也能治病。 但吃什麼,吃多少,怎麼吃,根據體質來衡量吃的是否合適,這些都需要一些中醫的基本常識。 當然了,中醫有一些基本的食療有利於健康的概念,比如說要吃五穀“雜”糧;比如說飲食要葷素均衡;比如說要吃五色以養五行五臟等等。 吳亞儒中醫師為你逐個講解,如何學會吃適合你自己,最有利你健康的食物。這才是真正的中醫食療。 Chinese Food Therapeutics Jul 26, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video The trick of TCM diet therapy is how to determine the personal physique and then choose the diet therapy method that suits you. In this TCM diet therapy seminar, California acupuncturist licensed acupuncturist Wu Yaron, a Chinese medicine practitioner, explains how to determine your physique according to the concepts of TCM, and then chooses the diet therapy that suits you based on four properties and five flavors of medicine and food. Only what suits you the best is the best medicine for you. The same is true for diet therapy. 1/71 Diet therapy is an important part of TCM health preservation. What to eat; how much to eat; how to eat is best for your health? The real answer is: how to eat suitable for your physique can be better for your health. Chinese people’s health habit is often to ask what supplements should be taken? In today's society, in the case of over nutrition, various supplements; vitamins, various magical fruits and vegetables and nutritional products are all popular. But many people don't know from the perspective of Chinese medicine whether what you eat is suitable for your body. Although the stuff is good, is it really suitable for you? In Chinese medicine, diet therapy is actually to eat the food that suits your physical state, which one is the most "replenishing" for you. Chinese medicine believes that ginseng is also a harmful drug if it is not eaten properly; arsenic can also cure diseases if it is eaten properly. But what to eat, how much to eat, how to eat, and how to eat according to your physical fitness, all require some basic common sense of Chinese medicine. Of course, Chinese medicine has some basic dietary concepts that are beneficial to health, such as eating grain-mixes, a balanced diet of meat and vegetables, eating foods of five different colors to nourish the five elements and five internal organs and so on. Chinese Doctor Wu will explain to you how to eat food that suits you and is most beneficial to your health. This is the real diet therapy of Chinese medicine.

  • 遺產規劃基本問題解答

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • Design Your Community

    April 1, 2022 at 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 小雨點基金會將於2022年4月1日至2022年6月12日舉辦團隊活動「設計理想社區」。該活動旨在鼓勵社區成員發現社區中可以改進的領域/問題,然後組成團隊。共同設計和演示解決方案。 J&H將在2022年6月5日至6月12日為所有團隊舉辦虛擬會議,以介紹他們的項目並展示其解決方案。評審團將選擇前3名獲獎項目。前三名還將獲獎續金:一等獎1500美元,二等獎1200美元和三等獎800美元。計劃書需於4/30/2022前上傳基金會網站。前20個完整且被小雨點基金會接受的計劃書可以收到快樂小羊的$50禮卡。 請參加活動介紹會議 ,時間: 4/6/2022, 7:30PM PDT, Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732 1/1 儘管解決社區問題將使社區受益,但小雨點基金會認為,解決問題的過程本身將為每個參與者帶來回報。基金會希望每個參與者都能在設定有意義的任務/目標,解決問題,創造性思維,團隊合作,財務和演講方面獲得寶貴經驗。這些能力將幫助每個參與者長壽。出於同樣的原因,小雨點基金會希望那些沒時間完成開發解決方案的團隊仍能在6月5-12日的會議中展示他們的項目,以提高對團隊要解決的問題的社區意識並收集反饋。 有意參加的團隊請在 進行註冊並提交您的計劃。所提計劃在公開展示將僅與小兩點基金會員工共享。 J&H基金會保留拒絕任何由安全,社會正義,政治,性別平等和種族主義的角度看有損害社區或有損他人權利的計劃。並拒絕的計劃的所有文件將被刪除也不可參加「設計理想社區」的活動。 “設計您的社區”是小兩點基金會的持續努力,旨在鼓勵社區找到我們可以做得更好的地方並創造性地開發新的解決方案。歡迎您隨時訪問 提交建議。 小雨,點基金會可以有選擇地向社區贊助具有高價值的提案。 ———————————————————— 設計您的社區規則和執行時間表 項目主題: 解決/改善社區問題/地區,尤其是在健康和文化領域方面。 團隊: 首選2個以上的成員,但沒有嚴格的限制。鼓勵您找到一些導師來指導您完成整個過程。每個團隊必須提供一名主要聯繫人和聯繫信息。 日程: 4/06/2022,晚上7:30, 介紹會議: 鼓勵所有團隊參加此會議。活動組織團隊將進行演講他們的計劃,然後主持問答環節。 Zoom 會議, 4/6/2022, 7:30PM PDT: Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732 4/1-4/30/2022, 提案提交期開始: 項目提交網站 每個團隊都有一個google drive文件夾,用於存儲與項目相關的資料。 4/30/2022, 項目提案截稿: ijhfoundation.org上的提交URL將被刪除。 6/1/2022, 項目摘要,結果和演示文稿以及希望的演示文稿日期上傳基金會。所有材料都應上傳到活動的google文件夾。 6/3/2022晚上11:59, 演示時間表已發送給每個團隊: 小雨點基金會將發送電子郵件給每個團隊的主要聯繫人 6/5 - 6/12/2022,項目成果共享縮放會議: 鼓勵所有參與者參加這些會議。 Zoom會議URL將與計劃發表時間表一起發送給每個團隊。 Design Your Community Apr 1, 2022 J&H Foundation Submit Proposal J&H Foundation would like to invite high school students to work on a self-defined summer project within the theme of “Design Your Community”: Each project needs to address an issue of your community with a feasible solution. The project period is from 4/1/2022 to 6/12/2022, with the proposal due on 4/30/2022. The first 20 submitted project proposals that are accepted by J&H Foundation will receive $50 gift card from Happy Lamb @ Cupertino, CA. All project teams could present the project, and demonstrate the solutions and share lessons learned in virtual meetings 6/5 - 6/12/2022. Top 3 best projects and a few honorables will be selected for scholarships: 1st Place US $1500, 2nd Place $1200, and 3rd Place $800. Each honorable will receive $300. All project hours can be certified as community service hours. An introductory Zoom meeting is scheduled on 4/06/2022, 7:30PM PDT: Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732 1/1 J&H Foundation will host a team event “Design Your Community”, from 4/1 to 6/12/2022. This event is aimed to encourage high school students to find areas/issues in the community that can be improved, and form a team to collaboratively design, develop and demonstrate a feasible solution. To participate in this event, please visit to register as a member and submit your proposal by 4/30/2022. The proposal will only be shared with J&H Foundation staffs until the team presentation. The first 20 submitted project proposals that are accepted by J&H Foundation will receive $50 gift card from Happy Lamb @ Cupertino, CA. On 6/5 - 12/2022, J&H Foundation will host a series of virtual meetings for all teams to present their projects and demonstrate the solutions. A panel of judges will select top 3 projects and a few honorables for rewards. The top three will win scholarship: First Place US $1500, Second Place $1200, and Third place $800. Each honorable will also get $300 scholarship. All project hours can be certified as community service hours. Though resolving a community issue will surely benefit the community J&H Foundation believes that going through the problem solving process itself will be a reward to every participant: each participant will be able to gain valuable experience in setting meaningful missions/goals, problem solving skill, creative thinking, team work, finance, and presentation. These abilities will help each participant life long. For the same reasoning J&H Foundation wishes those teams which are short of time to develop solutions will present their projects on 6/5-12/2022 to raise the awareness of community issues, share the team’s thoughts and collect feedbacks. J&H Foundation reserves the right to reject any inappropriate proposal that could be harmful to the community from the perspective of security, social justice, politics, gender equality and racism. “Design Your Community” is a continuing activity aimed to encourage everyone to find problems and develop new solution creatively. You are welcomed to submit a proposal anytime by visiting . J&H Foundation will select and sponsor projects that have high values to the community. __________________________ Design Your Community Rules and Logistics Project Theme: Solve/Improve a community issue/area, especially in the health and cultural areas. Team Formation: The participant will need to form a team, preferably 2+ members but it is not a hard requirement. Each needs to have a primary contact person. We also recommend each team to find some mentors to guide the team through the problem solving process. Schedule: __________ 4/6/2022, 7:30PM PDT: Introductory Meeting All teams are encouraged to attend this meeting. The event organization team will give a presentation, then host a Q&A session. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732 4/1-4/30/2022: The Proposal Submission period Project submission site: Each team will have a google drive folder to store project related materials. 6/1/2022: Project Summary, Results and Presentation, and Preferred Presentation Date(s) Due All materials should be uploaded to the google folder. 6/3/2022, 11:59PM, Presentation Schedule sent to each team An email will be sent to each team‘s primary contact. 6/5-12/2021 Project Result Sharing Zoom Meetings All participants are required to attend the session that the project team will present the result. However all participants are encouraged to attend every session to learn from other teams. The zoom meeting URL will be sent together with the schedule. The certificates and scholarships will be sent to the participant by 6/30/2022.

  • 小雨點活動

    Channel 小雨點活動 ​ Details Watch video

  • COVID-19, Perspectives of TCM, Home Therapy & Self-Protection (Ch)

    April 2, 2020 at 10:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 此次講座將解釋中醫如何可以幫助防禦新冠狀病毒。 讓您知道: 1. 新冠狀病毒的中醫認識 2. 如何在居家隔離期間通過自我調養,增強抵抗力,減少感染或發病機會 3. 萬一感染,如何在早期,通過中醫簡單的居家調理方式,來發汗祛濕,減輕發病或自救。 1/26 疫情期間,你是否想知道: 1. 新冠狀病毒的中醫認識 2. 如何在居家隔離期間通過自我調養,增強抵抗力,減少感染或發病機會 3. 萬一感染,如何在早期,通過中醫簡單的居家調理方式,來發汗祛濕,減輕發病或自救。 現在的西醫除了支持療法沒有確切的療效,而且大多數感染的人會要求自己居家隔離,醫療系統也未必能提供及時強大的有效醫療支持。 學習基本的中醫常識,可能會幫助您在疫情期間自救,並照顧有需要的家人。例如中醫的清肺排毒湯,以解表,怯濕,對症醫治。拔罐刮痧可治感冒也可用於新冠狀病毒的醫治。艾灸出汗為度,濕氣重以健脾祛濕方法醫治。喉嚨痛以少商放血,局部點穴醫治。 COVID-19, Perspectives of TCM, Home Therapy & Self-Protection (Ch) Apr 2, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video This lecture will explain how Chinese medicine can help defending against the new coronavirus. 1/26 During the epidemic, do you want to know: 1. Chinese medicine for the new coronavirus 2. How to improve resistance, reduce infection or reduce the chance of getting sick during home isolation through self-care 3. In case of infection, how to use the simple home conditioning method of Chinese medicine to sweat and dispel dampness, reduce the disease or save yourself at an early stage. Learning basic knowledge of Chinese medicine may help you save yourself during the epidemic and take care of your family in need. The Qingfei detox soup of traditional Chinese medicine is used to relieve the symptoms, reduce dampness, and treat the causes. Cupping and Gua Sha can cure colds and can also be used to treat the new coronavirus. Moxibustion is a measure of sweating, and dampness is treated with the method of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. Sore throat is treated with bloodletting and local acupuncture.

  • Luncheons for Seniors

    March 13, 2013 at 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 2013 和 2014 敬老聚餐包括壽司午餐和卡拉OK. 1/1 小雨點基金會(J & H Foundation) 於2013,2014 舉辦 敬老聚餐,包括午餐和卡拉OK.帶給老人歡笑。 Luncheons for Seniors Mar 13, 2013 J&H Foundation Watch Video 2013 and 2014 senior gatherings included sushi lunches and karaoke. 1/1 J & H Foundation organized a dinner for the elderly in 2013 and 2014, including lunch and karaoke. Bringing laughter to the elderly.

  • Nourish Your Heart In Summer

    July 7, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 吳中醫師談心臟的治療和養生。由睡眠和心臟健康的關係,談如何以穴脈的按摩來治療和保健。吳中醫師也會談如何觀察手上的血管和穴脈,或觀察舌頭,肚臍診斷一個人的心臟健康和睡眠的良好度,那些徵狀是心臟損壞的特徵。因為養生比治療更重要,吳中醫師也會談如何以飲食和運動來保養心臟。 1/1 我們的心臟從生到死, 不停在工作,就像汽車的引擎,一生中就是一個磨損消耗的問題。但是等到西​​醫檢查或者心電圖檢查確認有問題時,心臟這個人體的引擎已經磨損的難以修復了。而日常我們很多的不適,都是和心臟的“勞損”有關的,如果你不想將來有“心髒病”或者“心腦血管疾病”,那在夏至前後就是保養心臟最佳的時機。 心臟勞損的人,大多會有:舌尖凹,肚臍的上部離位塌陷, 耳垂有橫紋, 暗色或豬肝色嘴唇,前臂內關穴有青筋,也一定會在前胸發現壓痛和陽性反應點以及心包經壓痛。如果有關節痛,在夜里或早上起來加重,左肩背慢性疼痛,後背心發涼 / 酸痛發緊沉重, 中指/小指麻痛,手指腫脹,都要考慮可能有不同程度的心臟勞損。 有過焦慮綜合症,在睡眠時有胸口壓榨感覺,或者惡夢連連,以及常常盜汗, 出冷汗,長期手腳冰涼,以及常常心慌,心律失常和心絞痛的人,每年夏至做心臟保養則是必不可少的養生。 吳亞儒中醫師會帶大家一起,通過檢查你自己身體上的一些體徵,來觀察你的心臟勞損情況。 Nourish Your Heart In Summer Jul 7, 2020 Yaron Wu,L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Chinese Dr. Wu talks about the treatment and health of the heart. From the relationship between sleep and heart health, talk about how to use acupuncture point massage for treatment and health care. Chinese Doctor Wu Yaron will also talk about how to check the blood vessels and acupuncture points on the hands, or observe the tongue and the belly button to diagnose a person's heart health. He also teaches methods for sleeping better. The symptoms to be discussed in the lecture are characteristic of heart damage. Because health preservation is more important than treatment, Dr. Wu Yaron will also talk about how to maintain the heart with diet and exercise. 1/1 Our heart is constantly working from birth to death, just like the engine of a car. it is worn and torn throughout life. When the western medical examination or electrocardiogram examination confirms that there is a problem, the heart has worn out and is difficult to repair. Many of our daily discomforts are related to the "strain" of the heart. If you don't want to have "heart disease" or "cardio-cerebrovascular disease" in the future, then around the summer solstice is the best time to nourishing your heart. Most people with heart strain will have: concave tongue tip, collapsed upper part of the belly button, horizontal stripes on the earlobe, dark or liver-colored lips, and blue veins at the Neiguan point of the forearm. Tenderness and positive reaction points definitely can be found in the chest and feel pericardial tenderness. If the joint pains are getting worse at night or in the morning, chronic pain in the left shoulder and back, cold/sore tightness in the back, numbness in the middle/little fingers, and swelling of the fingers, it is likely that the person has different degrees of heart strain. It is necessary to nourish heart every summer solstice for those persons with anxiety syndrome, chest squeezing feeling during sleep, or nightmares, and frequent night sweats, cold sweats, cold hands and feet for a long time, and frequent palpitation, arrhythmia and angina. Doctor Wu Yaron will teach everyone how to assess your heart strain and tearing by checking some physical signs of your own body.

  • 吳玲瑤專欄

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • 敬老聚餐

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • Fasting and Liver Detoxification

    March 1, 2021 at 3:30:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 討論辟穀 斷食與肝臟排毒的異同,並介紹現代人的辟穀,斷食排毒的方法。 1/21 “炁者,人之根本也“。炁的獲得:呼吸、飲食、經絡等途徑,並不完全依賴脾胃生理組織,闢穀期間人體進入一個以炁養形的時間段,急驟的減少對有質有形食物的依賴,調動和啟動了人體本來具有的依靠有質無形炁性物質生存的本能。 闢穀:炁的獲得通過體表人體場上的戶牖直接或間接吸取宇宙空間的炁,另一種就是通過培生體元,從而維持人體不進食物也能進行正常生命活動的機能。所以在自然闢穀期間仍然可以像正常人一樣工作生活。 服氣:深吸氣再用力吞嚥: 依《雲笈七簽》,服氣前要“鼓氣以滿天關”,然後“閉口而咽之'。《內經》談到嚥氣的動作,指出“如咽甚硬物”。 斷食 – Naturopathic:自然療法、整體醫學 •利用儲存在身體細胞或組織內的營養 •維持人體生命健康的狀態 •切斷食物供應 •促進排泄,清除體內老廢物(血毒) 肝臟排毒 ( Liver Detoxification): 原理: ✔ 提供人體必須的營養 ✔ 減少飲食攝入 ❖ 太多/太少都是毒 ❖ 人體自身調節 西醫“肝”: ✔ 消化 ✔ 解毒 ✔ 新陳代謝 中醫屬於“脾胃” 肝臟排毒,辟穀 共同點 - 肝臟排毒: ✔ 少吃/不吃 ✔ 提供人體必須 營養 ✔ 一次或多次 ✔ 可控 辟穀 ✔ 燃燒體內垃圾 ✔ 只喝水 ✔ 服氣/食氣 ✔ 練功- 有人指導 ✔ 陽氣足 Liver Detoxification & 肝臟排毒 現代人的辟穀 *適合人群 ✔ 高血脂 ✔ 脂肪肝 ✔ 糖尿病 ✔ 痛風 ✔ 游泳圈 * 其他 ✔ 肝斑 ✔ 脂肪瘤 ✔ 肉贅 ✔ 濕氣重? ✔ 吃撐/零食 ✔ 減肥- Over Weight Fasting and Liver Detoxification Mar 1, 2021 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video This lecture discusses the similarities and differences between fasting and liver detoxification, and introduce modern methods of fasting and detoxification. 1/21 "Qi is the root of a person." The acquisition of Qi can be done by breathing, diet, meridian, etc.; it does not completely rely on the physiological tissues of the spleen and stomach. During the period of fasting, the human body enters a period of Qi nourishment, which drastically reduces the dependence on physical food. Fasting also mobilizes and starts the intrinsic personal capability that relies on Qi substances that are invisible. Bigu: The acquisition of Qi is through the hukou directly on the body surface or in directly from the universe, and the other is through the cultivation of voxels. So as to maintain the body's ability to carry out normal life activities without eating food. So during the natural Bigu period, you can still work and live like normal people. Persevere: Take a deep breath and swallow hard: Per the book "Seven Signs of the Clouds", before taking the breath, you must "puff to fill the sky", and then "close your mouth and swallow." The Neijing talks about the act of suffocating, and points out that "like swallowing extremely hard object". Fasting – Naturopathic: It is natural remedy, also a holistic medicine •Using the nutrients stored in the body's cells or tissues •Maintaining the health of the human body •Cut off the food supply Liver Detoxification: Principle: ✔ Provide essential nutrients for the human body ✔ Reduce dietary intake ❖ Too much/too little is poison ❖ Human body self-regulation Western medicine "liver": ✔ Digestion ✔ Detoxification ✔ Metabolism Chinese medicine is in the category of "spleen and stomach" Liver detoxification and Bigu have something in common- Liver detox: ✔ Eat less/don't eat ✔ Provide essential nutrients for the human body ✔ One or more times ✔ Controllable Bigu ✔ Burning garbage in the body ✔ Drink only water ✔ Persuaded/gasped ✔ Practicing exercises-guided by someone ✔ Yang Qi feet Liver Detoxification & Liver Detoxification *Suitable for the crowd ✔ High blood fat ✔ Fatty liver ✔ Diabetes ✔ Gout ✔ Swimming ring * Other ✔ Liver spots ✔ Lipoma ✔ Meat cellulite ✔ Heavy moisture? ✔ Eat support/snacks ✔ Weight loss-Over Weight

  • Sleep

    May 31, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 睡眠是最重要的健康補給的身體功能。在這座談中教您為何睡不好,如何依中醫和西醫的療理讓您睡飽,睡好。 1/21 吃喝拉撒睡是我們的日常生活部分,同時也反映出我們健康狀態。不少朋友苦於失眠,或者有著這樣那樣的睡眠問題。 也有的朋友,雖然沒有失眠問題,但整體的健康狀態卻受到睡眠習慣和睡眠質量的嚴重影響,比如熬夜,晚睡,睡眠長期不足。還有的朋友因為工作原因長期值夜班,或者很晚下班。 這次我們就請吳亞儒中醫師帶領大家一起討論這個每個人都需要面對的健康話題,因為按照中醫的看法,睡好了,80%的健康就有了保障,因為良好的睡眠對任何人來說,都是在給健康存錢。 你的睡眠還好嗎?你有通過良好的睡眠得到最大程度的益處嗎? 吳亞儒中醫師也會教你通過簡單的自我按摩,改變睡眠和生活習慣,來相應改變和提高健康狀態。 Sleep May 31, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Sleep is the most important body function for health. This talk will teach you why you can't sleep well or have insomnia, and how to make yourself sleep well and sufficient with Chinese medicine and Western medicine. 1/21 The majority of our daily life is eating, drinking and sleeping. It also reflects our state of health. Many friends suffer from insomnia, or have sleep problems of one kind or another. There are also friends who have no insomnia, but their overall health is severely affected by their sleep habits and sleep quality, such as staying up late, going to bed late, and chronic lack of sleep. Others have long-term night shifts due to work reasons, or due to leaving work late. Chinese Doctor Wu Yaron will lead everyone to discuss this health topic that everyone needs to face. According to Chinese medicine, good sleep guarantees 80% of the health , ‘cause good sleep is equivalent to saving money for health. Is your sleep okay? Do you benefit the most from good sleep? These are the topics that Doctor Wu will teach you: how to sleep well, how to change daily habits, and how to perform simple self-massage to change and improve your health accordingly.

  • 如果明天就是下一生 (虛擬合唱)

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • Awaken a Persist Vegetative Person

    March 30, 2019 at 7:00:00 AM 何江弘,解放軍總醫院第七醫學中心功能神經外科主任 何江弘,解放軍總醫院第七醫學中心功能神經外科主任。「 這是我們在中國做的一個調查。我們問病人,當你經過一兩個月的治療之後變成植物人的時候,你的醫生給你的建議是什麼?60%的醫生建議維持基本治療,還有一部分建議放棄,只有5%的醫生推薦病人進行積極的治療。在綜合了醫生對於未來預期恢復的判斷以及家庭的各種情況之後,最終,在六個月內,有60%的家屬決定放棄治療。這對於病人意味著慢性的安樂死。那病人的態度是什麼?」 1/1 ​ Awaken a Persist Vegetative Person Mar 30, 2019 He Jianhong Watch Video He Jianghong, Director of Functional Neurosurgery of the Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospita, gives a talk about a person in persist vegetative state(PVS). "This is a survey we conducted in China. We asked patients, when you become a persist vegetative person after one or two months of treatment, what is your doctor’s advice to you? 60% of the doctors recommend maintaining basic treatment. There are some recommendations to give up, and only 5% of doctors recommend active treatment. After combining the doctor’s judgment on the expected recovery in the future and the various family conditions, in the end, within six months, 60% of the family members decided to give up treatment This means chronic euthanasia for the patient. What is the patient's attitude? " 1/1 ​

  • Reduce Weight

    June 21, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 健康是一種長期的過程。此次講座演解減肥。由中醫虛寒緊濕的醫理,由睡眠、營養、壓力和鍛練的適當程度對身體狀況的影響來了解肥胖的緣由。教您如何用飲食營養,艾灸和中藥來幫助減肥。 1/28 ​ Reduce Weight Jun 21, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Health is a long-term process. This lecture explains weight reduction. The causes of obesity can be understood from the medical theory of deficiency, coldness and dampness in traditional Chinese medicine, and the effects of sleep, nutrition, stress, and proper exercise on physical conditions. This talk will teach you how to use diet and nutrition, moxibustion and Chinese medicine to help lose weight. 1/28 ​

  • New Health Ideas

    ​ 小雨點基金會 一個渠道讓會員分享自己在健康,醫療,保健方面的新點子,想法,新知識和成果 1/0 這是一個小雨點的開放平台,歡迎大家自設在健康,醫療,保健相關話題的計畫,經由此平台分享。可以向小雨點基金會申請審核補助。 New Health Ideas ​ J&H Foundation This is a channel for members to share new ideas, knowledge and achievements related to healthcare. 1/0 This is an open platform of J&H Foundation. It is meant for members to share new ideas, new knowledge and new development related to healthcare. We also welcome everyone to form a team and propose their own project to address an issue in their community. J&H Foundation will sponsor projects that could make significant impacts to the community.

  • 文化天地

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • JHF Choir

    October 16, 2020 at 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 小雨點基金會贊助的一群喜歡唱歌並與社區互動的歌手們,以合唱的方式和大家分享音樂的樂趣和情感。 1/0 小雨點合唱團成立於2019年。其任務是與社區分享合唱音樂的悲傷喜樂,提高生命的品質。 JHF Choir Oct 16, 2020 J&H Foundation A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. 1/0 JHF Choir was established in 2019. Its mission is to share the sadness and joy of chorus music with the community and improve the quality of life.

  • New Culture Ideas

    October 16, 2020 at 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 會員分享自己的文化作品的渠道 1/0 小雨點開放的一個平台,歡迎大家自設在音樂,舞蹈,文化相關話題的計畫,經由此平台分享。可以向小雨點基金會申請審核補助。 New Culture Ideas Oct 16, 2020 J&H Foundation Channels for members to share their cultural works 1/0 A platform opened by the J&H Foundation, everyone is welcome to share their own plans on music, dance, and cultural related topics through this platform. You can apply for funding from J&H Foundation.

  • 陰陽的隱含意義

    Enjoy a Life Inspired by Music JHF Charity Concerts J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. More JHF Choir A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. More

  • Charity Concert for Alzheimer's Disease

    November 17, 2018 at 3:30:00 AM 姚若華,黃惠敏許瀞文 此次“有話要說”訪問 姚若華黃惠敏和小雨點基金會創辦徐北辰關懷阿茲海默症。姚若華黃惠敏談這次阿滋海默症慈善音樂會以旋律優美、輕鬆活潑、耳熟能詳的為主。希望社會大眾共襄盛舉,正視老年失智症對人類的威脅。徐北辰談阿滋海默症慈和基金會的理念。 1/5 這次阿滋海默症慈善音樂會以旋律優美、輕鬆活潑、耳熟能詳的為主。希望社會大眾共襄盛舉,正視老年失智症對人類的威脅。音樂會曲目包括電影似曾相似亅主題曲,奇異恩典,校園民歌歌,和鋼琴家楊智華的一些作品。希望以大家耳熟能詳的樂曲讓聽眾能享受音樂,也提供機會增加大家對阿滋海默症的了解。小提琴曲包括多首世界名曲,薩拉薩特的 “流浪者之歌” 和克萊斯特改編的法雅西班牙舞曲等,都是愛樂者所喜愛的。如歌的旋律、絢爛的技巧都展現演出者的獨特詮釋。 主持人 曾智寧 曾為星島中文電台 "星期四不一樣”、 “粉絲樂翻天”、”妙韻輕歌“ 主持人。 台北愛樂電台節目部經理/製作人暨主持人。 Charity Concert for Alzheimer's Disease Nov 17, 2018 Jo-Hwa Yao, Amy Huang, Sunny Sheu Watch Video Alzheimer's disease charity concerts are mainly based on beautiful melody, lively and familiarity. I hope that the concert can encourage the public to join in the grand event and confront the threat of dementia. 1/5 The repertoire of Alheimer's Disease Charity Concert contains mainly beautiful melodies which are lively and familiar to general audience. It is hoped that the public will participate in the grand event and pay attention to the dementia, which is common for elders. The repertoire of the concert includes the theme songs of the movies, Strange Grace, campus folk songs, and some works by pianist Yang Zhihua. I hope that with the familiar music, the audience can enjoy the music and also provide an opportunity to increase everyone's understanding of Alzheimer's disease. Violin music includes many world-famous songs, Sarasate's "Song of the Wanderer" and Kleist's adaptation of Falla Spanish Dance. All these songs are loved by music lovers. The song-like melody and gorgeous techniques will deliver the performer's unique interpretation. The host Zeng Zhining was the host of Sing Tao Chinese Radio "Thursday is Different", "Fans Le Fantian", and "Miaoyun Qingge". She is the Program Manager/Producer and Host of Taipei Philharmonic Radio.

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