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  • For those who love

    November 2, 2020, 8:00:00 AM 小雨點合唱團 JHF Choir, 小雨點合唱團 Composer:Ching-Ju Shih 石青如 Lyrics Based on Romans 8:28 Sponsor: J&H Foundation 小雨點基金會 1/1 冠狀病毒在2020年給世界造成了沉重打擊。我們的合唱團借由虛擬排練完成合唱這首歌。 在這首歌的視頻中我們配上了每位團員在這段時間的特別的記憶。我們也希望這首歌能帶給您和平與祝福,並讓您記起疫期中的特別的時刻。 For those who love Nov 2, 2020 JHF Choir Watch Video JHF Choir, 小雨點合唱團 Composer:Ching-Ju Shih 石青如 Lyrics Based on Romans 8:28 Sponsor: J&H Foundation 小雨點基金會 1/1 The coronavirus has dealt a heavy blow to the world in 2020. Our choir completed the chorus of this song through virtual rehearsal. In the video, we add each member's special memories about this pandemic period. We also hope that this song will bring you peace and blessings and remind you of your own special moments during the epidemic period.

  • Sleep

    May 31, 2020, 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 睡眠是最重要的健康補給的身體功能。在這座談中教您為何睡不好,如何依中醫和西醫的療理讓您睡飽,睡好。 1/21 吃喝拉撒睡是我們的日常生活部分,同時也反映出我們健康狀態。不少朋友苦於失眠,或者有著這樣那樣的睡眠問題。 也有的朋友,雖然沒有失眠問題,但整體的健康狀態卻受到睡眠習慣和睡眠質量的嚴重影響,比如熬夜,晚睡,睡眠長期不足。還有的朋友因為工作原因長期值夜班,或者很晚下班。 這次我們就請吳亞儒中醫師帶領大家一起討論這個每個人都需要面對的健康話題,因為按照中醫的看法,睡好了,80%的健康就有了保障,因為良好的睡眠對任何人來說,都是在給健康存錢。 你的睡眠還好嗎?你有通過良好的睡眠得到最大程度的益處嗎? 吳亞儒中醫師也會教你通過簡單的自我按摩,改變睡眠和生活習慣,來相應改變和提高健康狀態。 Sleep May 31, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Sleep is the most important body function for health. This talk will teach you why you can't sleep well or have insomnia, and how to make yourself sleep well and sufficient with Chinese medicine and Western medicine. 1/21 The majority of our daily life is eating, drinking and sleeping. It also reflects our state of health. Many friends suffer from insomnia, or have sleep problems of one kind or another. There are also friends who have no insomnia, but their overall health is severely affected by their sleep habits and sleep quality, such as staying up late, going to bed late, and chronic lack of sleep. Others have long-term night shifts due to work reasons, or due to leaving work late. Chinese Doctor Wu Yaron will lead everyone to discuss this health topic that everyone needs to face. According to Chinese medicine, good sleep guarantees 80% of the health , ‘cause good sleep is equivalent to saving money for health. Is your sleep okay? Do you benefit the most from good sleep? These are the topics that Doctor Wu will teach you: how to sleep well, how to change daily habits, and how to perform simple self-massage to change and improve your health accordingly.

  • Charity Concert for Alzheimer's Disease

    November 17, 2018, 3:30:00 AM 姚若華,黃惠敏許瀞文 此次“有話要說”訪問 姚若華黃惠敏和小雨點基金會創辦徐北辰關懷阿茲海默症。姚若華黃惠敏談這次阿滋海默症慈善音樂會以旋律優美、輕鬆活潑、耳熟能詳的為主。希望社會大眾共襄盛舉,正視老年失智症對人類的威脅。徐北辰談阿滋海默症慈和基金會的理念。 1/5 這次阿滋海默症慈善音樂會以旋律優美、輕鬆活潑、耳熟能詳的為主。希望社會大眾共襄盛舉,正視老年失智症對人類的威脅。音樂會曲目包括電影似曾相似亅主題曲,奇異恩典,校園民歌歌,和鋼琴家楊智華的一些作品。希望以大家耳熟能詳的樂曲讓聽眾能享受音樂,也提供機會增加大家對阿滋海默症的了解。小提琴曲包括多首世界名曲,薩拉薩特的 “流浪者之歌” 和克萊斯特改編的法雅西班牙舞曲等,都是愛樂者所喜愛的。如歌的旋律、絢爛的技巧都展現演出者的獨特詮釋。 主持人 曾智寧 曾為星島中文電台 "星期四不一樣”、 “粉絲樂翻天”、”妙韻輕歌“ 主持人。 台北愛樂電台節目部經理/製作人暨主持人。 Charity Concert for Alzheimer's Disease Nov 17, 2018 Jo-Hwa Yao, Amy Huang, Sunny Sheu Watch Video Alzheimer's disease charity concerts are mainly based on beautiful melody, lively and familiarity. I hope that the concert can encourage the public to join in the grand event and confront the threat of dementia. 1/5 The repertoire of Alheimer's Disease Charity Concert contains mainly beautiful melodies which are lively and familiar to general audience. It is hoped that the public will participate in the grand event and pay attention to the dementia, which is common for elders. The repertoire of the concert includes the theme songs of the movies, Strange Grace, campus folk songs, and some works by pianist Yang Zhihua. I hope that with the familiar music, the audience can enjoy the music and also provide an opportunity to increase everyone's understanding of Alzheimer's disease. Violin music includes many world-famous songs, Sarasate's "Song of the Wanderer" and Kleist's adaptation of Falla Spanish Dance. All these songs are loved by music lovers. The song-like melody and gorgeous techniques will deliver the performer's unique interpretation. The host Zeng Zhining was the host of Sing Tao Chinese Radio "Thursday is Different", "Fans Le Fantian", and "Miaoyun Qingge". She is the Program Manager/Producer and Host of Taipei Philharmonic Radio.

  • Confusion about Time

    December 17, 2020, 10:00:00 PM 吳玲瑤 作家吳玲瑤以幽默風趣的口吻細說時間的困惑。談笑中解讀“時間快慢是感覺? 還是有科學根據?” 1/1 小時候寫作文喜歡裝成熟,老氣橫秋地形容時間:「光陰似箭、歲月如梭、白駒過隙、日光荏苒」,其實並沒有真正體會歲月的流逝似箭如梭,日子還是天天在盼望暑假寒假,盼著過年的紅包,時間過得奇慢無比。每一個等待都得等好久好久,誠如羅大佑的《童年》:「等待著下課,等待著放學,等待遊戲的童年,隔壁班的那個女孩怎麼還沒經過我的窗前?」 童年的十分鐘可以過得天長地久,像一列慢慢行駛的火車。也不知道從什麼時候開始,時間像個賊,偷走我們的曾經,隨著年齡增長,突然變成高速飛奔的快車,日子在閃神間消失,抓也抓不住,越來越快一發不可收拾?使我們對時間充滿了困惑。文學中對歲月的流逝是一再被提及的話題,張愛玲曾說過:「悠長得像永生的童年,相當愉快地度日如年…然後時間加速,越來越快」,在《半生緣》裡也提及:「日子過得真快,對於中年以後的人來講,十年八年好像是指逢間的事。」 年紀大了對時光不待人滿懷感慨,發出沒有答案的天問,歲月去哪了,還沒好好感受年輕就老了,還沒好好看世界眼睛就花了。有說青春像衛生紙,看著挺多,用著用著就不夠了。也有看待時間如捲筒衛生紙,年輕時像剛換新卷,很久才轉一圈,老了像快用完,手一拉就是三四圈,一下子幾年過去了。有人也把時間比成一條河,從遙遠的過去流向未來,不能停息也不能倒退,「現在」只是時間之河上的一點,卻永遠抓不住。 人們瞭解什麼是時間之前,其實已經將它消磨了一半。因為困惑不解,所以未曾停止對於時間和空間的探索,時間快慢是感覺? 還是有科學根據?愛因斯坦曾用相對論來說明時間,坐在燙熱的火爐旁邊,會覺得時間過得特別慢,如果跟情人約會,會覺得時間過得特別快。美國史丹福大學的神經科學教授伊格曼(David Eagleman),認為大腦處理新穎事務時會耗費較多能量,紀錄下更多的記憶,童年時每天都學新東西,覺得時間過得特慢。長大後習以為常的體驗,腦子見怪不怪,時間會感覺越過越快。就像去一個新的地方,總覺得去的路顯得特別的長,回程熟悉那條路後,感覺就短許多,也許讓時間慢下來的祕訣,是尋找新鮮的體驗。 中國古代神話小說和《西遊記》中曾多處提及,「天上一天,人間一年」,我向學科學的先生求證有無此可能,他說有可能,根據相對論,只要速度足夠快,時間就會變慢。他還想起大學時物理課曾經考過一題佔了20分,「依照這個比例,天上的座標,和人間的座標,相對速度是多少?」對我這學文的一點都不懂,徒增對時間的困惑。 有人想到牛郎織女的故事,一年才能於七夕見一次面的牛郎,對織女述說他的相思之苦,織女卻回:「人間一年天上一天你不知道嗎? 我可是每天吃完早飯就得見你了,天天見面你不煩,我煩啊。」也算是對時間困惑所產生的笑話。 Confusion about Time Dec 17, 2020 Lingyao Wu Watch Video Lingyao Wu, a well-known writer, elaborated on the confusion of time in a humorous tone. She shared her view of "Is the speed of time a feeling? Or is it scientifically based?" in a fun essay. 1/1 When I was young, I liked to pretend to be mature, and describe time in an old-fashioned way: "Time is like an arrow, lifetime is like a shuttle, like white horses run across a gap, and the sunlight is flying by." In fact, I don't really understand the passage of years like an arrow. I still look forward to summer and winter vacation every day, also long for red envelopes. It feels like time is passing very slowly. Every wait lasts for a long, long time, just like Luo Dayou's "Childhood": "Waiting for the end of class, waiting for the end of school, waiting for playing the game, and wondering why the girl in the next class has not passed my window?" Ten minutes of childhood can last forever, like a slowly moving train. I don’t know when it started. Time is like a thief, stealing our past. As we grow older, it suddenly becomes a fast-running express. The days disappear in the flash of God, and I can’t catch it, and it is getting faster and faster and out of control. It makes us confused about time. The passage of years is a topic that has been repeatedly mentioned in literature. Zhang Ailing once said: "A childhood that is as long as eternal life, living like years happily...then time accelerates and becomes faster and faster", which is mentioned in "Half Life" And: "Life flies so fast. For people after middle age, ten or eight years seems to be a matter of seconds." When I get older, I am full of emotions about time being indifferent, and I send out an unanswered question: "where are the years?" I become old before I feel young, and my eyes get presbyopia before I take a good look at the world. It is said that youth is like toilet paper. It looks like a lot still left, but it is not enough for us to use. Some people think of time like a roll of toilet paper. When I was young, I just had a new roll. It took a long time to turn around. When I was old, it seemed to run out. When I pulled it, it was three or four turns and several years passed. Some people also compare time to a river, flowing from the distant past to the future, without stopping or going backwards. "Now" is just a point on the river of time, but it can never be caught. Before people understand what time is, they have actually consumed half of it. Because of confusion, I have never stopped exploring time and space. Is the speed of time a sense? Or is it scientifically based? Einstein once used the theory of relativity to explain time. Sitting next to a hot stove, you will feel that time passes very slowly. If you date a lover, you will feel that time passes very quickly. David Eagleman, a professor of neuroscience at Stanford University in the United States, believes that the brain consumes more energy when processing novel things, records more memories, and learns new things every day in childhood, feeling that time flies very slowly. When I grow up, I am accustomed to the experience, and my mind does not see it being strange, and time will feel faster. Just like going to a new place, I always feel that the road to go is very long. After getting familiar with that road on the return journey, it feels much shorter. Perhaps the secret to slowing down time is to find a fresh experience. The ancient Chinese myths and stories in "Journey to the West" mentioned this in many places: "One day in the sky, one year in the world." I asked my husband, who studied science, whether it was possible. He said it is possible. According to the theory of relativity, as long as the speed is fast enough, the time will slow down. He also remembered that he had taken 20 points for one question in the physics class in college, "According to this ratio, what is the relative speed between the coordinates in the sky and the coordinates in the world?" What a confusing question to me. I thought of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The Cowherd, who lives on Earth, can only meet once a year on Qixi Festival, told the Weaver Girl about his lovesickness. But the Weaver Girl replied, "Don’t you know that a year on Earth is a day in the heaven?Seeing you once a day is just right. Wouldn't you feel annoying to meet each other every Earth day? If you didn't find it annoying, I'm annoyed." It can be regarded as a joke caused by confusion over time.

  • How to strengthen the immune system

    March 22, 2021, 2:30:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 此次講座由解釋人體的免疫系統到中醫如何提高人體的免疫和各種營養的攝取。也討論中醫的辟穀,斷食與肝臟排毒的治療和免疫系統的關係。 1/35 ​ How to strengthen the immune system Mar 22, 2021 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video The lecture talked about the body’s immune system and how Chinese medicine can improve the body’s immune system and how to intake various nutrients. It also discusses the relationship between fasting in traditional Chinese medicine and liver detoxification. This lecture will also discuss how these methods affect the immune system. 1/35 ​

  • We Will Be Older Tomorrow

    November 25, 2020, 11:00:00 PM 吳玲瑤,作家 作家吳玲瑤應邀去北加州台灣大學校友會杜鵑花之夜演講,主題是人到中年後的困境,全場七百人笑聲不斷,表示有共鳴。作家吳玲瑤能開開自己年紀的玩笑,也算是一種成長後的開朗豁達。 1/2 有首歌唱的是明天會更好,為了是給人信心與鼓勵,其實現實生活裡明天會不會更好不知道,但明天會更老是確定的。歲月要走過,才知道它的凌礪,到了某個年紀不得不承認地心引力的厲害,器官樣樣俱在,只是都下垂,所謂的:「萬般皆下垂,唯有血壓高」。有人因此特別忌諱說老,連「我先走一步」也不能說。 中年後的身體起了很大的變化,蘋果變成梨子型,「坐著打瞌睡,躺著睡不著。想記的記不起來,想忘的忘不掉。」更糟的是哭的時候沒眼淚,笑的時候一直擦淚。頭上是[白髮拔不盡,春風吹又生],男士們的髮型也個個如小說家莫言所說的[地方支持中央],兩邊往中央梳,遮住稀疏的部分。皮膚不長Pimple開始Wrinkle,酒窩變皺紋,皺紋變酒窩,無意中發現本來以為額頭上的幾條紋路只是有抬頭紋,現在卻是不抬頭也有,還好這個時候有老花眼白內障,也不怎麼看得清楚。 記憶力明顯衰退,從一個房間走到另一個房間,就是想不起來到這兒來要做什麼? 忘了剛剛說過的話,變得一再重複碎碎。一位老先生甚至說他有一次竟然笑到一半忘記為何而笑。 聽力不行了,一位做了二十幾年百貨公司銷售員的女士,因為耳朵背,被換到抱怨部門去,反正聽不到,隨您抱怨。另一位女士說她坐公車,站在她前面的一個男孩一直跟她講話,她因為聽不到就提醒對方說不必講了,那男孩竟然說他只是在嚼口香糖,沒有和她說話啊。 高科技不來電也是年歲漸長的特徵,家裡一停電,所有的鐘都閃再十二點,有一位朋友要去歐洲玩,女兒說:「媽,現在沒有人用傳統相機,這個數位相機您帶著,只要一按一按就可以了。」媽媽沿途拍了五百張,回來往電腦裡一放,怎麼五百張都是鼻子? 原來媽媽把相機拿反。 少年夫妻老來伴,中年夫妻怎麼辦? 有人形容食之為味,棄之可惜,彼此的壞習慣改不了,有的夫妻是什麼項目都可以吵,從來沒有妥協過,想想婚前是好有話說,婚後變成有話好說。 每個來到世間的生命,像整存零付一樣,一點一滴地離去,剛剛才是意氣風發的少年,一轉眼變成哀樂中年,還有人要譏笑說這些人是:「知識退化,器官老化,思想僵化,等待火化」。所以心裡建設靠自己,要人老心不老,皺紋長在臉上,不長在心上。再想想許多人沒有老的權利,年紀輕輕的就歸道山,生活態度也要調整,以前用健康換金錢,現在要用金錢換健康,有所謂的人生三歷,少年爭取的是好學歷,中年成功與否看經歷,年紀越來越大就要看病歷。有好的健康才能說人生如倒吃甘蔗,好日子還在後頭,Robert Browning的詩說的是: Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be。 We Will Be Older Tomorrow Nov 25, 2020 Lingyao Wu Watch Video The writer Wu Lingyao was invited to give a speech at the Azalea Night organized by the Alumni Association of Taiwan University, Northern California. The topic was the plight of middle-aged people. Seven hundred people laughed constantly and expressed sympathy. The writer Wu Lingyao can make fun of her own age, which can be regarded as a kind of open-mindedness after growing up. 1/2 There is a song saying that tomorrow will be better, in order to give people confidence and encouragement, in fact, in real life, I don't know whether tomorrow will be better, but it is always certain that we will be older tomorrow . The years have to pass before I know its ruggedness. At a certain age, I have to admit that gravity is so powerful that wee still have all organs, but they are all drooping. The so-called "All things droop, only high blood pressure gets higher." For this reason, some people are particularly taboo to say that they are old, and they can't even say "I will go one step ahead." My body changed a lot after middle age. The apple became a pear shape. "Sitting and dozing off, lying down and unable to fall asleep. You can't remember what you want to remember, and you can't forget what you want to forget." Even worse, when crying there were no tears at the time, but I kept wiping tears when I laughed. In my head is [white hair can not be pulled out, spring breeze blows again], and the men’s hair styles are all like the novelist Mo Yan said [local supports the center], combing both sides to the center to cover the sparse part. When the skin is getting old, Pimple starts to wrinkle, the dimples become wrinkles, and the wrinkles become dimples. I accidentally discovered that the stripes on the forehead were just forehead lines, but now they do not look up. Fortunately, there are presbyopia and cataracts at this time, and everything doesn’t look much clear. My memory is obviously decayed. I walked from room to room and just can't remember what to do when I came to the room? I forgot what I just said, and my words became broken repeatedly. An old gentleman even said that he once laughed halfway through, the he forgot why he laughed. My hearing is not good either. A lady who has been a salesperson in a department store for more than 20 years was transferred to the complaining department because of her ears. Another lady said that she was taking the bus, and a boy standing in front of her kept talking to her. Because she couldn't hear well, she reminded the boy that she didn't need to talk. The boy said that he was just chewing gum and didn't talk to her. High-tech non-calling is also a feature of aging. When having a power outage at home, all the clocks flash at twelve o’clock afterwards. A friend is going to Europe to play. The daughter said, “Mom, no one uses a traditional camera, this digital camera. You take this camera with you, just click and click to shoot pictures." Mom took five hundred pictures along the way and put them in the computer. Why are the five hundred pictures of noses, the daughter wonders? It turned out that mom took the camera upside down. Young couples come to accompany each other, what should middle-aged couples do? Some people describe thee accompany is like food with no taste, it is hard to eat but it is pity to throw away. When we were old bad habits can’t be changed. Some couples can quarrel in every thing, they have never compromised, think about it. Before marriage there is always something good to talk about, after marriage it becomes saying nicely when something happens. Every life that came into the world like a full deposit with zero payment, it then left bit by bit. It is like just now a high-spirited boy, suddenly turned into a sorrowful middle-aged person. Some people would ridicule that these people are: "Knowledge is degraded. Organs are aged, thinking is rigid, and they are waiting for cremation." Therefore, we must rely on ourselves for the development of our heart, and we must be old and not to act old, wrinkles grow on the face, not on the heart. Think about this again that many people don’t have the right to be old. They return to Daoshan (heaven) at a young age. One has to adjust the attitude to life. In the past, health was used to exchange money, but now it is necessary to exchange money for health. There is the so-called three calendars of life. Educational background, success or failure in middle-aged people depends on experience, getting older and older depends on medical records. Only if you have good health can you say that life is like eating sugar cane. The good days are yet to come. Robert Browning's poem says: Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be.

  • JHF Charity Concerts

    April 23, 2021, 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 小雨點基金會 贊助品質的音樂表演,讓大家能在欣賞音樂中美化人生,提高生活品質,享受快樂的時光。 1/0 ​ JHF Charity Concerts Apr 23, 2021 J&H Foundation J&H Foundation sponsors high-quality music performances to share music to the public. The foundation believes that music can enrich and improve the quality of life. 1/0 ​

  • jfhchoir rehearsal attendance poll

    November 18, 2021, 10:00:00 PM 小雨點合唱團 小雨點合唱團練習參加表 1/0 小雨點合唱團練習參加表 jfhchoir rehearsal attendance poll Nov 18, 2021 JHF Choir Answer Rehearsal Poll JHF Choir attendance form 1/0 JHF Choir attendance form

  • Chinese Medicine

    October 14, 2020, 11:00:00 PM 小雨點基金會 了解中藥如何使您保持健康和治療健康問題以及控制疼痛和疾病。 1/0 ​ Chinese Medicine Oct 14, 2020 J&H Foundation Learn how traditional Chinese medicine keeps you healthy, treats health problems, and controls pain and illness. 1/0 ​

  • JHF Choir

    October 16, 2020, 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 小雨點基金會贊助的一群喜歡唱歌並與社區互動的歌手們,以合唱的方式和大家分享音樂的樂趣和情感。 1/0 小雨點合唱團成立於2019年。其任務是與社區分享合唱音樂的悲傷喜樂,提高生命的品質。 JHF Choir Oct 16, 2020 J&H Foundation A group of singers who like to sing and interact with the community sponsored by J&H Foundation, share the fun and emotion of music with everyone in a chorus. 1/0 JHF Choir was established in 2019. Its mission is to share the sadness and joy of chorus music with the community and improve the quality of life.

  • New Health Ideas

    ​ 小雨點基金會 一個渠道讓會員分享自己在健康,醫療,保健方面的新點子,想法,新知識和成果 1/0 這是一個小雨點的開放平台,歡迎大家自設在健康,醫療,保健相關話題的計畫,經由此平台分享。可以向小雨點基金會申請審核補助。 New Health Ideas ​ J&H Foundation This is a channel for members to share new ideas, knowledge and achievements related to healthcare. 1/0 This is an open platform of J&H Foundation. It is meant for members to share new ideas, new knowledge and new development related to healthcare. We also welcome everyone to form a team and propose their own project to address an issue in their community. J&H Foundation will sponsor projects that could make significant impacts to the community.

  • New Health Idea Sample

    April 30, 2021, 4:00:00 PM 小雨點基金會 樣品 1/7 健康新點子樣本,以後更新 New Health Idea Sample Apr 30, 2021 J&H Foundation This is a sample project. 1/7 This is a sample project and will be removed once the first project received.

  • Luncheons for Seniors

    March 13, 2013, 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 2013 和 2014 敬老聚餐包括壽司午餐和卡拉OK. 1/1 小雨點基金會(J & H Foundation) 於2013,2014 舉辦 敬老聚餐,包括午餐和卡拉OK.帶給老人歡笑。 Luncheons for Seniors Mar 13, 2013 J&H Foundation Watch Video 2013 and 2014 senior gatherings included sushi lunches and karaoke. 1/1 J & H Foundation organized a dinner for the elderly in 2013 and 2014, including lunch and karaoke. Bringing laughter to the elderly.

  • KCSF-Something to share

    October 30, 2018, 5:00:00 PM KCSF 26 ​ 1/3 ​ KCSF-Something to share Oct 30, 2018 KCSF Watch Video ​ 1/3 ​

  • A Cozy Conversation with Artist Wang Yao Jin

    November 8, 2015, 8:00:00 AM 王躍進, 旅美書法藝術家 王躍進, 旅美書法藝術家。王躍進先生將通過傳統書法、空心書法、剪紙藝術、朗誦和演講等不同藝術形式,零距離為灣區觀眾講解他對藝術追求的辛路歷程,其一筆書寫的5200個連筆空心字長捲入選《大世界基尼斯紀錄》,其用多種文字創作的3180個圖文雪花剪紙創《世界紀錄協會紀錄》的世界紀錄。 1/1 王躍進藝術講座 一、中國書法: “書法”二字,簡單地說,便是寫字的方法。由於中國的漢字不同於其他國家或民族的文字,其字形由象形文字起源,在數千年文明發展史上,經歷了有代表性的甲骨文、金文、小篆、隸書到楷書等各個階段的演變,形成了形音義密切配合的現代漢字。因此,中國人所說的“書法”,是指中華文化中特有的一門有歷史、有 規範、有演變、有創造、有很高藝術內涵的藝術門類。書法是中國傳統文化的重要組成部分,是中國特有的藝術形式書法使人怡情氣爽,陶冶人的情操,修身養性正所謂“靜以修身,儉以養德”,書法正是修身養德的好形式、好渠道、好方法。 二、空心字一筆書 在中國5000多年的歷史長河中,空心字這種獨特的書法藝術形式可以追溯到唐代。 縱觀古今書法家,在寫好“雙鉤”字又稱空心字型後一般多填上墨,以求神似。而直接採用“雙鉤”法創作書法的形式還為數不多。這是一種不同於傳統書法的“邊緣”書法藝術,是現代書法藝術發展到今天的必然產物。藝術的科學性就是藝術的自然性。 1999年我創作的一筆書寫5200個連筆空心字書法長卷被收入《大世界基尼斯紀錄》 甚至我們有時候會發現,“一筆空心字”這種藝術形式已經不在是那種傳統意義上的書法藝術,與其說是在寫到不如說是在“畫”,“畫”的過程中作者可以根據自己對該藝術形式的理解加以創作、創新。當作者完成作品時,其藝術的欣賞價值是不言而喻的。 有感而發: 促進國際書法交流,光大書法藝術。生活在海外的華人,如何更好地繼承發揚中國的民族藝術,如何續寫當代書法的新篇章,應該成為我們認真面對和思考的問題。所謂越是民族的,越是世界的。西方有卓見的藝術家、理論家把書法視為東方的代表性藝術,給以高度定位,我們更應當繼承好書法這筆優秀文化遺產,在文化交流滲透日漸頻繁的今天將它發揚光大,讓更多的民族認識中國書法、愛好中國書法。我們可以把書法做成一張中國的文化名片,使其在更大範圍內為中國文化代言。 三、雪花剪紙 2010年暑假期間,我曾在美國北加州West Valley College (西谷大學)進修CHS 67 Creative Art Experience and the Young少年藝術創作課程,Ms. Terry Shue教授佈置的一項作業是讓每位同學帶一本獲凱迪克獎的書在課堂上討論。 (凱迪克大獎是美國圖書館學會頒予前一年度所出版的最傑出的兒童讀物,是美國最具權威的繪本獎。)我就到圖書館去查找,在眾多獲獎的書中我無意中抽到一本名叫Snowflake Bentley 《雪花人》的書,其封面上美麗的雪花圖案和故事簡介一下子吸引住我的眼球,便站在書架旁一口氣將那本書讀完,然後又藉回去反复閱讀。書中的故事深深地打動了我。 書中講的是在美國佛蒙特州(Vermont)一個叫作傑瑞科的小鎮上有一位名叫(Wilson Bentley) 班特利的小男孩真人真事的傳記故事。書中男主角班特利對雪花的熱愛程度超乎眾人的想像。他收集、觀察和研究雪花,並且企圖以筆描繪、捕捉雪花獨特細緻的圖案,但因為雪花稍縱即逝,他經歷了一次又一次的失敗,直到十七歲那年,父母為他買了一台顯微鏡相機,才幫助他達成保存雪花圖的心願。 班特利在研究雪花的過程中充滿許多挫折和困難,雖然每一片雪花都有巧奪天工、獨一無二的圖案,但是因為融化得太快,班特利無法將這些美麗的圖案保存下來,即使後來有了顯微鏡相機,也是經過無數次的失敗後才成功。班特利的熱情成為他致力研究雪花的動力,支持他不畏艱難的堅持下去,酷寒的溫度無法動搖他的熱情,殘暴的風雪也無法阻擋他的腳步,一直堅持到人生的終點。他用熱情和毅力形塑的生命故事,也變成這本備受推崇的書。後來,他把他照雪花的經驗和照雪花的相片編成書,叫做《雪的結晶》。他的書引起大家的歡迎和注意,越來越多的科學家開始研究雪花。他一輩子成功照了好幾千片雪花,發現雪花都有類似六角形的樣,但是,竟然從來沒有發現兩個一模一樣的雪花。 “雪花都有類似六角形的樣,但從來沒有發現兩個一摸一樣的雪花”這一發現讓我眼前一亮,異常興奮。我又查找了一些有關雪花的書籍,進一步證實這一發現的權威性。便決定著手探索一條新的蒐集雪花圖案之路--------創造剪紙。我要剪出比班特利一生拍下的幾千片雪花還要多,甚至多得多的雪花圖案。 我還清楚地記得那是在2010年的7月4日美國獨立日的夜晚,在聖塔克拉拉中心公園觀賞完煙花表演後回到家裡,我躺在床上翻來覆去睡不著,滿腦子的雪花始終揮之不去,《雪花人》的故事更是讓我激動難抑。如果說是班特利的熱情成為他致力研究雪花的動力,支持他不畏艱難地堅持下去,那麼對我而言,班特利的感人故事就是我研究探索雪花剪紙的動力。激勵我毫不猶豫地走下去。 佛蒙特州的雪花如同塵埃一樣普通,班特利的心願是每天都能看到雪花的降臨,而我居住的加州矽谷,四季不見雪花,我要讓美麗的雪花在我的手下誕生。我本著“雪花無一雷同,形似六角形”的特徵,起身拿起一把普通的剪刀和幾張A4打印紙,先將它們每張裁成四開,然後又將每個剪成正方形,再疊成六角形,接下來就隨意剪起來,隨著​​剪刀曲直方圓地任意遊走,我一口​​氣剪出好幾個,且個個無一雷同。看到不可思議的美妙圖案一個個呈現在眼前,我已忘卻了時間。當剪好的雪花已鋪滿桌面時,時鐘已指向5點。雪花剪紙伴我度過了一個難忘的不眠之夜。 次日,我挑了一些自己認為滿意的雪花剪紙帶到了學校,在我講述了自己剪雪花的經過,然後又把剪好的雪花示給教授看,教授看後連連讚嘆,並當即讓全班同學輪流傳閱,大家看了均給予一致好評。此時此刻我有一種成功的欣慰,這更加堅定了我勇往直前的決心。 從此,我每天晚飯後,便一邊聽電視一邊剪雪花,只要有空就剪幾下,遇到節假日更是一剪就是幾個小時。兩三個月下來我剪的雪花已有好幾百個。隨著數量的不斷攀升我卻發現,雖幾百片雪花無一雷同,但總覺得缺點什麼,很難說出每個雪花的名稱且很難歸納每件雪花剪紙的類別。 作為以書法為終生愛好並不懈追求的我開始聯想到漢字和書法。這使我茅塞頓開的關鍵所在。假使能把文字與雪花兼容並蓄,融合一起,不僅能巧妙地、易如反掌地、且直奔主題地為每件雪花剪紙作品命名,又能保證百分之百地從根本上避免雪花剪紙圖案有可能會出現雷同的問題。僅新華字典收錄的單字就多達一萬個。如果再把書法的真草隸篆行等不同書體也利用起來,把雙字詞、三字詞、四字成語也擴展進來,再把英文字母、注音符號、甚至多語種都利用起來,將會找到一個取之不盡,用之不竭的廣闊空間。我先從簡單的漢字入手,接著又剪出多個漢字注音符號,然後又剪出部分中英文常用詞彙及漢字唐詩數首。 文字剪紙需要一定的書法功底,這一點我有絕對把握可做到,因為1999年我已成為中國書法家協會會員,且真、草、隸、篆、行諸體皆可為之。此外,剪紙的關鍵是連綿不間斷, 難在要使每個字的點畫筆筆相連,這一點又恰好是我的長項,因為連筆空心字正是我的拿手絕活。 1999年9月我曾創下一筆寫下5200個連筆空心字的大世界基尼斯紀錄 (證書號:00812) 。將其技能運用在雪花剪紙上得心應手,游刃有餘。試驗成功後,我又開始嘗試利用有色紙剪出五彩繽紛的雪花圖案。我首先剪出彩色百家姓300個,又剪出省市自治區直轄市名30餘個,再剪出各省會名稱近30個,接下來是台灣25個城市及 香港18個區域名稱,2012年1月至2月我著手創作並完成彩色中文12生肖和英文12生肖雪花剪紙作品。 2013年五月二十七日我創作的3180個不同造型的雪花剪紙被世界紀錄協會收入《世界上創作不同樣雪花剪紙數量最多》世界紀錄。 對此我最大的感慨是:這個世界上並不缺乏美,而缺乏的是發現美的眼睛。其實美就在眼前,就在手下。只要我們具備一雙發現美的眼睛,並敢於嘗試,就能創造出人間奇蹟。 四、演講與朗誦 演講又叫講演或演說,是指在公眾場所,以有聲語言為主要手段,以體態語言為輔助手段,針對某個具體問題,鮮明、完整地發表自己的見解和主張,闡明事理或抒發情感,進行宣傳鼓動的一種語言交際活動。通過演講可以鍛煉自己的膽量,培養自己良好的心理素質及邏輯思維能力和溝通能力,提高語言表達能力,鍛煉自己的口才。二十一世紀的今天人才最珍貴,而口才對於人才來說又非常重要,當然還需有深厚的知識功底。現實生活中的新人自我介紹、崗位競聘、產品推銷、與人溝通等等處處都需要口才,所以說演講給我們帶來的實實在在的好處確實是太多了。 朗誦也是一種藝術。說它是藝術是因為:一是朗誦者面對的是各式各樣的文章內容、文學形式,通過朗誦就可以讓人接觸大量優秀的美文,從而提高自己的思想藝術境界和素質內涵,其二是朗誦的過程就是朗誦者不斷將文字藝術創造成聲音藝術的過程,它的二度創作需要朗誦者不斷地調動自己的思想情感、表達技巧來實施,大量的朗誦就能大大提高自己的思想情感表達水平和語言表達水平。而藝術本身就是將思想、境界、情感、技巧綜合的表達。其三,朗誦是朗誦者將自身作為載體來創作聲音藝術作品,無需借助第二載體,為此,朗誦更直接,更具有感召力,它能把一個真實而具有美學價值的東西直接表達出來。一個好的朗誦所帶來的震撼力,絕非其他藝術所能達到的。因此,學好朗誦,就是學好了語言表達藝術。無論什麼困難的問題,無論多深奧、難懂的文章,經一個出色的朗誦家的朗誦表達,頃刻就會變得簡單、易懂、魅力無窮、美感十足。 模仿及興趣的重要性:小時候學走路學說話都是從模仿開始的。知識和技能的累積都是從模仿別人的東西開始的,等累積到一定時候就能有創新的可能了。學習中語文和英語這語言類的科目就特別需要會模仿,剛開始學外語的時候就全靠模仿,跟鸚鵡學舌一樣,多聽外國人怎麼說,然後模仿他們的語音語調,慢慢就找到感覺了。學書法、繪畫、唱歌、朗誦等也同樣需要模仿能力。 孔子曰:“知之者不如好之者”。確實,興趣是最好的老師,興趣可以激發出人無限的潛能。 A Cozy Conversation with Artist Wang Yao Jin Nov 8, 2015 Wang Yao Jin Watch Video Wang Yuejin, American calligraphy artist. Mr. Wang Yuejin will use different art forms such as traditional calligraphy, hollow calligraphy, paper-cutting art, recitations and speeches to explain his Xinlu journey of artistic pursuit to the audience in the Bay Area. The Great World Guinness Records, with 3,180 graphic snowflake paper-cuts created in multiple languages, set a world record in the "World Record Association Records". 1/1 Wang Yuejin Art Lecture 1. Chinese calligraphy: The word "calligraphy" is simply a way of writing. Because Chinese characters are different from the characters of other countries or nations, their glyphs originated from hieroglyphics. In the history of civilization development for thousands of years, they have experienced the evolution of representative oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, small seals, official script to regular script, etc. Modern Chinese characters with closely matched form, sound and meaning are formed. Therefore, what the Chinese call "calligraphy" refers to a unique art category in Chinese culture that has history, norms, evolution, creativity, and high artistic connotation. Calligraphy is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. It is a unique art form in China. Calligraphy makes people happy and refreshing, cultivates people's sentiment, and cultivates one's morality. It is the so-called "quiet to cultivate oneself, thrifty to cultivate virtue". Good form, good channel, good method. Two, a book with hollow words In the long history of more than 5,000 years in China, the unique calligraphy art form of hollow characters can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. Throughout the ancient and modern calligraphers, after writing the "double hook", also known as the hollow font, they usually fill in more ink in order to look like a god. However, there are few forms of calligraphy that directly use the "double hook" method. This is a kind of "marginal" calligraphy art different from traditional calligraphy, and is an inevitable product of the development of modern calligraphy art to this day. The scientific nature of art is the natural nature of art. In 1999, I created a calligraphy scroll with 5,200 continuous strokes of hollow characters and was included in the "Great World Guinness Records" Even we sometimes find that the art form of "a stroke of hollow character" is no longer the traditional calligraphy art. It is not so much writing as it is in "painting", the author can Create and innovate according to my own understanding of the art form. When the author completes his work, the appreciation value of his art is self-evident. Feeling: Promote international calligraphy exchanges and Ever-bright calligraphy art. How to better inherit and carry forward Chinese national art and how to continue writing a new chapter in contemporary calligraphy for Chinese living overseas should become issues that we must face and think seriously. The so-called more national, more global. Western insightful artists and theorists regard calligraphy as a representative art of the East, and give them a high degree of positioning. We should inherit the excellent cultural heritage of calligraphy, and carry it forward today when cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent. The nation knows and loves Chinese calligraphy. We can turn calligraphy into a Chinese cultural business card, so that it can speak for Chinese culture on a larger scale. Three, snowflake paper cutting During the summer vacation of 2010, I took the CHS 67 Creative Art Experience and the Young Art Creation Course at West Valley College in Northern California, USA. An assignment assigned by Professor Ms. Terry Shue was for each student to bring a copy. The Catic Award-winning books are discussed in class. (The Cadick Award is the most outstanding children's book published in the previous year by the American Library Association. It is the most authoritative picture book award in the United States.) I went to the library to look it up. Among the many award-winning books, I accidentally I got a book called Snowflake Bentley "Snowflake Man". The beautiful snowflake pattern on the cover and the brief introduction of the story caught my eye. I stood by the shelf and read the book in one breath, then borrowed it again and again. read. The story in the book touched me deeply. The book tells the story of a real life story about a little boy named (Wilson Bentley) Bentley in a small town called Jericho in Vermont, USA. In the book, Bantley's love for snowflakes exceeds everyone's imagination. He collected, observed and studied snowflakes, and attempted to use a pen to depict and capture the unique and detailed patterns of snowflakes, but because the snowflakes were fleeting, he experienced failures again and again until his parents bought him at the age of seventeen. A microscope camera helped him achieve his wish to save the snowflake map. Bentley was full of frustrations and difficulties in the process of studying snowflakes. Although each piece of snowflake has ingenious and unique patterns, because it melted too fast, Bantley could not preserve these beautiful patterns, even if there were later. The microscope camera succeeded after countless failures. Bentley’s enthusiasm became his motivation to study snowflakes, and supported him to persevere despite difficulties. The cold temperature could not shake his enthusiasm, and the brutal snow could not stop him, and he persisted to the end of life. His life story shaped with passion and perseverance has also become this highly regarded book. Later, he compiled his experience of photographing snowflakes and photographs of snowflakes into a book called "Snow Crystals." His book attracted everyone's welcome and attention, and more and more scientists began to study snowflakes. He successfully photographed thousands of snowflakes throughout his life and found that the snowflakes all resembled hexagons, but he had never found two identical snowflakes. "Snowflakes are all like hexagons, but I have never found two identical snowflakes." This discovery made me very excited. I also searched for some books about snowflakes to further confirm the authority of this discovery. So I decided to explore a new way to collect snowflake patterns--------creating paper-cuts. I want to cut out more snowflake patterns than the thousands of snowflakes Bentley took in his lifetime. I still remember clearly that it was on the night of Independence Day, July 4, 2010. I returned home after watching the fireworks show in Santa Clara Central Park. I was lying in bed tossing and falling asleep, my brain was full of snowflakes. Always lingering, the story of "Snowman" makes me even more excited. If Bantley’s enthusiasm has become his motivation for studying snowflakes and supporting him to persist in the face of difficulties, then for me, Bantley’s touching story is my motivation for studying and exploring snowflake paper-cutting. Inspire me to go on without hesitation. Snowflake in Vermont is as ordinary as dust. Bantley's wish is to see snowflakes come every day. In Silicon Valley, California, there are no snowflakes in all seasons. I want beautiful snowflakes to be born under my hands. Based on the characteristic of "snowflakes are all the same and resemble hexagons", I got up and picked up a pair of ordinary scissors and a few sheets of A4 printing paper, first cut each of them into quarters, and then cut each of them into squares. Then folded into a hexagonal shape, and then cut it up at will. As the scissors walked around in a straight and round direction, I cut out several in one breath, and none of them were the same. Seeing the incredible and beautiful patterns presented one by one, I have forgotten the time. When the cut snowflakes have covered the tabletop, the clock is pointing to 5 o'clock. Snowflake paper-cutting accompanied me through an unforgettable sleepless night. The next day, I picked some snowflake paper-cuts that I thought I was satisfied with and brought them to school. After I told about the process of cutting the snowflakes, I showed the cut snowflakes to the professor. After the professor saw them, he admired them and let the whole class immediately. The students took turns to circulate, and everyone gave it unanimous praise. At this moment, I have a sense of success, which strengthened my determination to move forward courageously. From then on, after dinner every day, I would cut snowflakes while listening to TV. Whenever I had time, I would cut them a few times. On holidays, it would last for a few hours. I have cut hundreds of snowflakes in two or three months. As the number continues to climb, I found that although hundreds of snowflakes are the same, they always feel that there are some shortcomings. It is difficult to name each snowflake and it is difficult to summarize the category of each snowflake paper-cut. As a lifelong hobby of calligraphy, I began to think of Chinese characters and calligraphy. This makes me feel the key point. If the text and snowflakes can be compatible and integrated together, it will not only be able to name each snowflake paper-cut work ingeniously, easily, and straight to the theme, but also ensure that the snowflake paper-cut pattern may be completely avoided from the same. problem. The Xinhua dictionary alone contains as many as 10,000 words. If we use different calligraphy styles such as the real cursive and official seal lines, expand the two-character words, three-character words, and four-character idioms, and use English letters, phonetic symbols, and even multiple languages, Will find an inexhaustible vast space. I started with simple Chinese characters, then cut out a number of Chinese character phonetic symbols, and then cut out some common Chinese and English vocabulary and several Chinese characters in Tang poems. Paper-cutting requires a certain degree of calligraphy skills, which I am absolutely sure to do, because in 1999 I became a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and I can do all kinds of real, cursive, official, seal, and xing styles. In addition, the key to paper-cutting is uninterrupted. It is difficult to connect the dots and pens of each character. This happens to be my strong point, because continuous strokes and hollow characters are my special skill. In September 1999, I set the Guinness World Record for writing 5200 consecutive hollow words. (Certificate No. 00812). It is handy and easy to apply his skills to snowflake paper-cutting. After the experiment was successful, I tried to cut out colorful snowflake patterns again using colored paper. I first cut out 300 surnames in color, and then cut out more than 30 names of provinces, cities, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and then cut out nearly 30 names of provincial capitals, followed by 25 cities in Taiwan and There are 18 regional names in Hong Kong. From January to February 2012, I started to create and complete colorful Chinese 12 Chinese Zodiac and English 12 Chinese Zodiac snowflake paper-cut works. On May 27, 2013, the 3,180 paper-cuts of different shapes I created were accepted by the World Record Association as the world record for "The Most Different Snowflake Paper-cuts in the World". My biggest feeling about this is: there is no lack of beauty in this world, but the eyes that discover beauty are lacking. In fact, beauty is right in front of you, right under your hands. As long as we have a pair of eyes to discover beauty and dare to try, we can create miracles on earth. Four, speech and recitation A speech is also called a lecture or a speech. It refers to a public place, using voice language as the main method and body language as an auxiliary method to express one's own opinions and opinions clearly and completely, clarify the truth or express emotions in response to a specific problem. A language communication activity for propaganda and agitation. Through speech, you can exercise your courage, cultivate your good psychological quality, logical thinking ability and communication ability, improve your language expression ability, and exercise your eloquence. Today in the 21st century, talents are the most precious, and eloquence is very important to talents. Of course, deep knowledge is needed. In real life, newcomers need eloquence in their self-introduction, job bidding, product promotion, communication with others, and so on. Therefore, the tangible benefits of speeches are indeed too much. Recitation is also an art. It is said to be art because: First, the reciter is faced with a variety of article content and literary forms. Through the recitation, people can come into contact with a large number of excellent American essays, thereby improving their ideological and artistic realm and quality connotation. The second is that the process of recitation is the process by which the reciter continuously creates text art into sound art. Its second creation requires the reciter to constantly mobilize his thoughts, emotions, and expression skills to implement it. A large number of recitations can greatly improve their thinking. Emotional expression level and language expression level. Art itself is a comprehensive expression of thought, state, emotion, and technique. Third, recitation means that the reciter uses himself as a carrier to create sound art works without using a second carrier. For this reason, recitation is more direct and inspiring. It can directly express a real and aesthetically valuable thing. The shock of a good recitation is far beyond what other arts can achieve. Therefore, to learn recitation is to learn the art of language expression. No matter what the difficult question, no matter how profound and difficult the article is, it will become simple, easy to understand, charming, and full of beauty in an instant through the recitation of an excellent reciter. The importance of imitation and interest: When I was young, learning to walk and talk started from imitation. The accumulation of knowledge and skills starts from imitating other people's things, and when they are accumulated, there will be the possibility of innovation. Learning Chinese and English language subjects especially need to be able to imitate. When you first learn a foreign language, imitate it. Just like a parrot, listen to what foreigners say and imitate their pronunciation and intonation, and you will find the feeling slowly. Up. Learning calligraphy, painting, singing, recitation, etc. also require the ability to imitate. Confucius said: "Those who know are not as good as those who know." Indeed, interest is the best teacher, and interest can stimulate people's unlimited potential.

  • Nourish Your Heart In Summer

    July 7, 2020, 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 吳中醫師談心臟的治療和養生。由睡眠和心臟健康的關係,談如何以穴脈的按摩來治療和保健。吳中醫師也會談如何觀察手上的血管和穴脈,或觀察舌頭,肚臍診斷一個人的心臟健康和睡眠的良好度,那些徵狀是心臟損壞的特徵。因為養生比治療更重要,吳中醫師也會談如何以飲食和運動來保養心臟。 1/1 我們的心臟從生到死, 不停在工作,就像汽車的引擎,一生中就是一個磨損消耗的問題。但是等到西​​醫檢查或者心電圖檢查確認有問題時,心臟這個人體的引擎已經磨損的難以修復了。而日常我們很多的不適,都是和心臟的“勞損”有關的,如果你不想將來有“心髒病”或者“心腦血管疾病”,那在夏至前後就是保養心臟最佳的時機。 心臟勞損的人,大多會有:舌尖凹,肚臍的上部離位塌陷, 耳垂有橫紋, 暗色或豬肝色嘴唇,前臂內關穴有青筋,也一定會在前胸發現壓痛和陽性反應點以及心包經壓痛。如果有關節痛,在夜里或早上起來加重,左肩背慢性疼痛,後背心發涼 / 酸痛發緊沉重, 中指/小指麻痛,手指腫脹,都要考慮可能有不同程度的心臟勞損。 有過焦慮綜合症,在睡眠時有胸口壓榨感覺,或者惡夢連連,以及常常盜汗, 出冷汗,長期手腳冰涼,以及常常心慌,心律失常和心絞痛的人,每年夏至做心臟保養則是必不可少的養生。 吳亞儒中醫師會帶大家一起,通過檢查你自己身體上的一些體徵,來觀察你的心臟勞損情況。 Nourish Your Heart In Summer Jul 7, 2020 Yaron Wu,L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Chinese Dr. Wu talks about the treatment and health of the heart. From the relationship between sleep and heart health, talk about how to use acupuncture point massage for treatment and health care. Chinese Doctor Wu Yaron will also talk about how to check the blood vessels and acupuncture points on the hands, or observe the tongue and the belly button to diagnose a person's heart health. He also teaches methods for sleeping better. The symptoms to be discussed in the lecture are characteristic of heart damage. Because health preservation is more important than treatment, Dr. Wu Yaron will also talk about how to maintain the heart with diet and exercise. 1/1 Our heart is constantly working from birth to death, just like the engine of a car. it is worn and torn throughout life. When the western medical examination or electrocardiogram examination confirms that there is a problem, the heart has worn out and is difficult to repair. Many of our daily discomforts are related to the "strain" of the heart. If you don't want to have "heart disease" or "cardio-cerebrovascular disease" in the future, then around the summer solstice is the best time to nourishing your heart. Most people with heart strain will have: concave tongue tip, collapsed upper part of the belly button, horizontal stripes on the earlobe, dark or liver-colored lips, and blue veins at the Neiguan point of the forearm. Tenderness and positive reaction points definitely can be found in the chest and feel pericardial tenderness. If the joint pains are getting worse at night or in the morning, chronic pain in the left shoulder and back, cold/sore tightness in the back, numbness in the middle/little fingers, and swelling of the fingers, it is likely that the person has different degrees of heart strain. It is necessary to nourish heart every summer solstice for those persons with anxiety syndrome, chest squeezing feeling during sleep, or nightmares, and frequent night sweats, cold sweats, cold hands and feet for a long time, and frequent palpitation, arrhythmia and angina. Doctor Wu Yaron will teach everyone how to assess your heart strain and tearing by checking some physical signs of your own body.

  • How to Educate Children to Be Themselves

    June 29, 2016, 7:00:00 AM 李崇建 千樹成林、快雪時晴創意作文創辦人,目前擔任台灣青少年教育協進會理事長、台中市惠文高中、曉明女中特約作家。2010年受邀赴港發表satir模式教育心理論文、2013年赴聯合大講堂演講、2015年文茜的異想世界節目專訪。師長與父母常希望孩子能瞭解自己並作自己的主人,如何幫助孩子學會獨立思考?教育理念的堅持與體認來自生活的淬鍊,而「心教」讓每個孩子能親手挖掘冰山底下的真實自我。 1/1 ​ How to Educate Children to Be Themselves Jun 29, 2016 Qian Shu Cheng Lin Watch Video Qian Shu Cheng Lin is the Founder of Kuai Xue Shiqing creative composition, currently serves as chairman of Taiwan Youth Education Association, special writer at Huiwen High School in Taichung City, and Xiaoming Girls' High School. In 2010, he was invited to Hong Kong to publish a paper on education psychology of satir mode, a speech at the United Lecture Hall in 2013, and an interview with Wen Qian's Fantastic World program in 2015. Teachers and parents often hope that children can understand themselves and be their own masters. How can they help children learn to think independently? The persistence and realization of educational philosophy comes from the quenching chain of life, and "heart teaching" allows each child to personally dig out the true self under the iceberg. 1/1 ​

  • Hay Fever

    March 8, 2021, 12:00:00 AM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 由健康的四大因素和保養法則了解花粉熱和身體虛寒的關連,再由身體虚寒調理的方法談如何醫治花粉熱和過敏。 1/36 ​ Hay Fever Mar 8, 2021 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video We will study the relationship between "hay fever" and "body deficiency and coldness" from the four major factors of health and the principles of health maintenance. We will discuss how to treat hay fever and allergies by regulating the body’s deficiency and coldness. 1/36 ​

  • JHF Activities

    October 21, 2020, 7:00:00 AM 小雨點基金會 小雨點基金會本著公益初心舉辦活動,希望能帶給社區快樂健康的生活。 1/0 ​ JHF Activities Oct 21, 2020 J&H Foundation J&H Sponsored Activities in Arts, Culture, Health, Medicine and High Quality of Life Styles. 1/0 This is a channel for sharing information/memories about J&H Foundation sponsored activities in Arts, Culture, Health, Medicine and High Quality of Life Styles.

  • Reduce Weight

    June 21, 2020, 11:00:00 PM 吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM 健康是一種長期的過程。此次講座演解減肥。由中醫虛寒緊濕的醫理,由睡眠、營養、壓力和鍛練的適當程度對身體狀況的影響來了解肥胖的緣由。教您如何用飲食營養,艾灸和中藥來幫助減肥。 1/28 ​ Reduce Weight Jun 21, 2020 Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM Watch Video Health is a long-term process. This lecture explains weight reduction. The causes of obesity can be understood from the medical theory of deficiency, coldness and dampness in traditional Chinese medicine, and the effects of sleep, nutrition, stress, and proper exercise on physical conditions. This talk will teach you how to use diet and nutrition, moxibustion and Chinese medicine to help lose weight. 1/28 ​

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