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New Health Ideas
Design Your Community
Mar 1, 2022
J&H Foundation would like to invite high school students to work on a self-defined summer project within the theme of “Design Your Community”: Each project needs to address an issue of your community with a feasible solution. The project period is from 4/1/2022 to 6/12/2022, with the proposal due on 4/30/2022. The first 20 submitted project proposals that are accepted by J&H Foundation will receive $50 gift card from Happy Lamb @ Cupertino, CA.
All project teams could present the project, and demonstrate the solutions and share lessons learned in virtual meetings 6/5 - 6/12/2022. Top 3 best projects and a few honorables will be selected for scholarships: 1st Place US $1500, 2nd Place $1200, and 3rd Place $800. Each honorable will receive $300. All project hours can be certified as community service hours.
An introductory Zoom meeting is scheduled on 4/06/2022, 7:30PM PDT:
Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732

Share a Bit of Gem in You
An Open Stage for All
Jun 15, 2021
“Share a Bit of Gem in You” is not a competition, but more like an open stage for K-12 students to share a bit of themselves in a presentation. There is no preset categories for submission. Just share with the fellow participants, friends and families something about yourself that you treasure the most. Sky is the limit for the scope and theme, as long as the subject and the presentation are constructive, positive, beneficial and not harmful to our society.
We wish the most important reward for the participant is the experience from recognizing something they like the most to making efforts to share with other folks. J&H Foundation also gives a few participants $300 scholarships and the other participants some gifts based on the merits and efforts of the project.
There are 4 advisors who are psychiatrists and educators for the youth to give feedbacks to all participants.
To learn more about the concept of the event please watch the recording: https://youtu.be/H5SHttAwmAY