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Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.
April 1, 2022 at 7:00:00 AM

小雨點基金會將於2022年4月1日至2022年6月12日舉辦團隊活動「設計理想社區」。該活動旨在鼓勵社區成員發現社區中可以改進的領域/問題,然後組成團隊。共同設計和演示解決方案。 J&H將在2022年6月5日至6月12日為所有團隊舉辦虛擬會議,以介紹他們的項目並展示其解決方案。評審團將選擇前3名獲獎項目。前三名還將獲獎續金:一等獎1500美元,二等獎1200美元和三等獎800美元。計劃書需於4/30/2022前上傳基金會網站。前20個完整且被小雨點基金會接受的計劃書可以收到快樂小羊的$50禮卡。
請參加活動介紹會議 ,時間: 4/6/2022, 7:30PM PDT,
Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732

“設計您的社區”是小兩點基金會的持續努力,旨在鼓勵社區找到我們可以做得更好的地方並創造性地開發新的解決方案。歡迎您隨時訪問www.ijhfoundation.org提交建議。 小雨,點基金會可以有選擇地向社區贊助具有高價值的提案。
4/06/2022,晚上7:30, 介紹會議:
Zoom 會議, 4/6/2022, 7:30PM PDT:
Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732
4/1-4/30/2022, 提案提交期開始:
每個團隊都有一個google drive文件夾,用於存儲與項目相關的資料。
4/30/2022, 項目提案截稿:
6/1/2022, 項目摘要,結果和演示文稿以及希望的演示文稿日期上傳基金會。所有材料都應上傳到活動的google文件夾。
6/3/2022晚上11:59, 演示時間表已發送給每個團隊:
6/5 - 6/12/2022,項目成果共享縮放會議:
Design Your Community
Apr 1, 2022
J&H Foundation

J&H Foundation would like to invite high school students to work on a self-defined summer project within the theme of “Design Your Community”: Each project needs to address an issue of your community with a feasible solution. The project period is from 4/1/2022 to 6/12/2022, with the proposal due on 4/30/2022. The first 20 submitted project proposals that are accepted by J&H Foundation will receive $50 gift card from Happy Lamb @ Cupertino, CA.
All project teams could present the project, and demonstrate the solutions and share lessons learned in virtual meetings 6/5 - 6/12/2022. Top 3 best projects and a few honorables will be selected for scholarships: 1st Place US $1500, 2nd Place $1200, and 3rd Place $800. Each honorable will receive $300. All project hours can be certified as community service hours.
An introductory Zoom meeting is scheduled on 4/06/2022, 7:30PM PDT:
Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732

J&H Foundation will host a team event “Design Your Community”, from 4/1 to 6/12/2022. This event is aimed to encourage high school students to find areas/issues in the community that can be improved, and form a team to collaboratively design, develop and demonstrate a feasible solution.
To participate in this event, please visit www.ijhfoundation.org to register as a member and submit your proposal by 4/30/2022. The proposal will only be shared with J&H Foundation staffs until the team presentation. The first 20 submitted project proposals that are accepted by J&H Foundation will receive $50 gift card from Happy Lamb @ Cupertino, CA.
On 6/5 - 12/2022, J&H Foundation will host a series of virtual meetings for all teams to present their projects and demonstrate the solutions. A panel of judges will select top 3 projects and a few honorables for rewards. The top three will win scholarship: First Place US $1500, Second Place $1200, and Third place $800. Each honorable will also get $300 scholarship. All project hours can be certified as community service hours.
Though resolving a community issue will surely benefit the community J&H Foundation believes that going through the problem solving process itself will be a reward to every participant: each participant will be able to gain valuable experience in setting meaningful missions/goals, problem solving skill, creative thinking, team work, finance, and presentation. These abilities will help each participant life long. For the same reasoning J&H Foundation wishes those teams which are short of time to develop solutions will present their projects on 6/5-12/2022 to raise the awareness of community issues, share the team’s thoughts and collect feedbacks.
J&H Foundation reserves the right to reject any inappropriate proposal that could be harmful to the community from the perspective of security, social justice, politics, gender equality and racism.
“Design Your Community” is a continuing activity aimed to encourage everyone to find problems and develop new solution creatively. You are welcomed to submit a proposal anytime by visiting www.ijhfoundation.org. J&H Foundation will select and sponsor projects that have high values to the community.
Design Your Community Rules and Logistics
Project Theme:
Solve/Improve a community issue/area, especially in the health and cultural areas.
Team Formation:
The participant will need to form a team, preferably 2+ members but it is not a hard requirement. Each needs to have a primary contact person. We also recommend each team to find some mentors to guide the team through the problem solving process.
4/6/2022, 7:30PM PDT: Introductory Meeting
All teams are encouraged to attend this meeting. The event organization team will give a presentation, then host a Q&A session.
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 849 7504 3732
4/1-4/30/2022: The Proposal Submission period
Project submission site:
Each team will have a google drive folder to store project related materials.
6/1/2022: Project Summary, Results and Presentation, and Preferred Presentation Date(s) Due
All materials should be uploaded to the google folder.
6/3/2022, 11:59PM, Presentation Schedule sent to each team
An email will be sent to each team‘s primary contact.
6/5-12/2021 Project Result Sharing Zoom Meetings
All participants are required to attend the session that the project team will present the result. However all participants are encouraged to attend every session to learn from other teams. The zoom meeting URL will be sent together with the schedule.
The certificates and scholarships will be sent to the participant by 6/30/2022.