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November 8, 2015 at 8:00:00 AM
王躍進, 旅美書法藝術家

王躍進, 旅美書法藝術家。王躍進先生將通過傳統書法、空心書法、剪紙藝術、朗誦和演講等不同藝術形式,零距離為灣區觀眾講解他對藝術追求的辛路歷程,其一筆書寫的5200個連筆空心字長捲入選《大世界基尼斯紀錄》,其用多種文字創作的3180個圖文雪花剪紙創《世界紀錄協會紀錄》的世界紀錄。

“書法”二字,簡單地說,便是寫字的方法。由於中國的漢字不同於其他國家或民族的文字,其字形由象形文字起源,在數千年文明發展史上,經歷了有代表性的甲骨文、金文、小篆、隸書到楷書等各個階段的演變,形成了形音義密切配合的現代漢字。因此,中國人所說的“書法”,是指中華文化中特有的一門有歷史、有 規範、有演變、有創造、有很高藝術內涵的藝術門類。書法是中國傳統文化的重要組成部分,是中國特有的藝術形式書法使人怡情氣爽,陶冶人的情操,修身養性正所謂“靜以修身,儉以養德”,書法正是修身養德的好形式、好渠道、好方法。
2010年暑假期間,我曾在美國北加州West Valley College (西谷大學)進修CHS 67 Creative Art Experience and the Young少年藝術創作課程,Ms. Terry Shue教授佈置的一項作業是讓每位同學帶一本獲凱迪克獎的書在課堂上討論。 (凱迪克大獎是美國圖書館學會頒予前一年度所出版的最傑出的兒童讀物,是美國最具權威的繪本獎。)我就到圖書館去查找,在眾多獲獎的書中我無意中抽到一本名叫Snowflake Bentley 《雪花人》的書,其封面上美麗的雪花圖案和故事簡介一下子吸引住我的眼球,便站在書架旁一口氣將那本書讀完,然後又藉回去反复閱讀。書中的故事深深地打動了我。
書中講的是在美國佛蒙特州(Vermont)一個叫作傑瑞科的小鎮上有一位名叫(Wilson Bentley) 班特利的小男孩真人真事的傳記故事。書中男主角班特利對雪花的熱愛程度超乎眾人的想像。他收集、觀察和研究雪花,並且企圖以筆描繪、捕捉雪花獨特細緻的圖案,但因為雪花稍縱即逝,他經歷了一次又一次的失敗,直到十七歲那年,父母為他買了一台顯微鏡相機,才幫助他達成保存雪花圖的心願。
文字剪紙需要一定的書法功底,這一點我有絕對把握可做到,因為1999年我已成為中國書法家協會會員,且真、草、隸、篆、行諸體皆可為之。此外,剪紙的關鍵是連綿不間斷, 難在要使每個字的點畫筆筆相連,這一點又恰好是我的長項,因為連筆空心字正是我的拿手絕活。 1999年9月我曾創下一筆寫下5200個連筆空心字的大世界基尼斯紀錄
(證書號:00812) 。將其技能運用在雪花剪紙上得心應手,游刃有餘。試驗成功後,我又開始嘗試利用有色紙剪出五彩繽紛的雪花圖案。我首先剪出彩色百家姓300個,又剪出省市自治區直轄市名30餘個,再剪出各省會名稱近30個,接下來是台灣25個城市及
香港18個區域名稱,2012年1月至2月我著手創作並完成彩色中文12生肖和英文12生肖雪花剪紙作品。 2013年五月二十七日我創作的3180個不同造型的雪花剪紙被世界紀錄協會收入《世界上創作不同樣雪花剪紙數量最多》世界紀錄。
A Cozy Conversation with Artist Wang Yao Jin
Nov 8, 2015
Wang Yao Jin

Wang Yuejin, American calligraphy artist. Mr. Wang Yuejin will use different art forms such as traditional calligraphy, hollow calligraphy, paper-cutting art, recitations and speeches to explain his Xinlu journey of artistic pursuit to the audience in the Bay Area. The Great World Guinness Records, with 3,180 graphic snowflake paper-cuts created in multiple languages, set a world record in the "World Record Association Records".

Wang Yuejin Art Lecture
1. Chinese calligraphy:
The word "calligraphy" is simply a way of writing. Because Chinese characters are different from the characters of other countries or nations, their glyphs originated from hieroglyphics. In the history of civilization development for thousands of years, they have experienced the evolution of representative oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, small seals, official script to regular script, etc. Modern Chinese characters with closely matched form, sound and meaning are formed. Therefore, what the Chinese call "calligraphy" refers to a unique art category in Chinese culture that has history, norms, evolution, creativity, and high artistic connotation. Calligraphy is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. It is a unique art form in China. Calligraphy makes people happy and refreshing, cultivates people's sentiment, and cultivates one's morality. It is the so-called "quiet to cultivate oneself, thrifty to cultivate virtue". Good form, good channel, good method.
Two, a book with hollow words
In the long history of more than 5,000 years in China, the unique calligraphy art form of hollow characters can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.
Throughout the ancient and modern calligraphers, after writing the "double hook", also known as the hollow font, they usually fill in more ink in order to look like a god. However, there are few forms of calligraphy that directly use the "double hook" method. This is a kind of "marginal" calligraphy art different from traditional calligraphy, and is an inevitable product of the development of modern calligraphy art to this day. The scientific nature of art is the natural nature of art.
In 1999, I created a calligraphy scroll with 5,200 continuous strokes of hollow characters and was included in the "Great World Guinness Records"
Even we sometimes find that the art form of "a stroke of hollow character" is no longer the traditional calligraphy art. It is not so much writing as it is in "painting", the author can Create and innovate according to my own understanding of the art form. When the author completes his work, the appreciation value of his art is self-evident.
Promote international calligraphy exchanges and Ever-bright calligraphy art. How to better inherit and carry forward Chinese national art and how to continue writing a new chapter in contemporary calligraphy for Chinese living overseas should become issues that we must face and think seriously. The so-called more national, more global. Western insightful artists and theorists regard calligraphy as a representative art of the East, and give them a high degree of positioning. We should inherit the excellent cultural heritage of calligraphy, and carry it forward today when cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent. The nation knows and loves Chinese calligraphy. We can turn calligraphy into a Chinese cultural business card, so that it can speak for Chinese culture on a larger scale.
Three, snowflake paper cutting
During the summer vacation of 2010, I took the CHS 67 Creative Art Experience and the Young Art Creation Course at West Valley College in Northern California, USA. An assignment assigned by Professor Ms. Terry Shue was for each student to bring a copy. The Catic Award-winning books are discussed in class. (The Cadick Award is the most outstanding children's book published in the previous year by the American Library Association. It is the most authoritative picture book award in the United States.) I went to the library to look it up. Among the many award-winning books, I accidentally I got a book called Snowflake Bentley "Snowflake Man". The beautiful snowflake pattern on the cover and the brief introduction of the story caught my eye. I stood by the shelf and read the book in one breath, then borrowed it again and again. read. The story in the book touched me deeply.
The book tells the story of a real life story about a little boy named (Wilson Bentley) Bentley in a small town called Jericho in Vermont, USA. In the book, Bantley's love for snowflakes exceeds everyone's imagination. He collected, observed and studied snowflakes, and attempted to use a pen to depict and capture the unique and detailed patterns of snowflakes, but because the snowflakes were fleeting, he experienced failures again and again until his parents bought him at the age of seventeen. A microscope camera helped him achieve his wish to save the snowflake map.
Bentley was full of frustrations and difficulties in the process of studying snowflakes. Although each piece of snowflake has ingenious and unique patterns, because it melted too fast, Bantley could not preserve these beautiful patterns, even if there were later. The microscope camera succeeded after countless failures. Bentley’s enthusiasm became his motivation to study snowflakes, and supported him to persevere despite difficulties. The cold temperature could not shake his enthusiasm, and the brutal snow could not stop him, and he persisted to the end of life. His life story shaped with passion and perseverance has also become this highly regarded book. Later, he compiled his experience of photographing snowflakes and photographs of snowflakes into a book called "Snow Crystals." His book attracted everyone's welcome and attention, and more and more scientists began to study snowflakes. He successfully photographed thousands of snowflakes throughout his life and found that the snowflakes all resembled hexagons, but he had never found two identical snowflakes.
"Snowflakes are all like hexagons, but I have never found two identical snowflakes." This discovery made me very excited. I also searched for some books about snowflakes to further confirm the authority of this discovery. So I decided to explore a new way to collect snowflake patterns--------creating paper-cuts. I want to cut out more snowflake patterns than the thousands of snowflakes Bentley took in his lifetime.
I still remember clearly that it was on the night of Independence Day, July 4, 2010. I returned home after watching the fireworks show in Santa Clara Central Park. I was lying in bed tossing and falling asleep, my brain was full of snowflakes. Always lingering, the story of "Snowman" makes me even more excited. If Bantley’s enthusiasm has become his motivation for studying snowflakes and supporting him to persist in the face of difficulties, then for me, Bantley’s touching story is my motivation for studying and exploring snowflake paper-cutting. Inspire me to go on without hesitation.
Snowflake in Vermont is as ordinary as dust. Bantley's wish is to see snowflakes come every day. In Silicon Valley, California, there are no snowflakes in all seasons. I want beautiful snowflakes to be born under my hands. Based on the characteristic of "snowflakes are all the same and resemble hexagons", I got up and picked up a pair of ordinary scissors and a few sheets of A4 printing paper, first cut each of them into quarters, and then cut each of them into squares. Then folded into a hexagonal shape, and then cut it up at will. As the scissors walked around in a straight and round direction, I cut out several in one breath, and none of them were the same. Seeing the incredible and beautiful patterns presented one by one, I have forgotten the time. When the cut snowflakes have covered the tabletop, the clock is pointing to 5 o'clock. Snowflake paper-cutting accompanied me through an unforgettable sleepless night.
The next day, I picked some snowflake paper-cuts that I thought I was satisfied with and brought them to school. After I told about the process of cutting the snowflakes, I showed the cut snowflakes to the professor. After the professor saw them, he admired them and let the whole class immediately. The students took turns to circulate, and everyone gave it unanimous praise. At this moment, I have a sense of success, which strengthened my determination to move forward courageously.
From then on, after dinner every day, I would cut snowflakes while listening to TV. Whenever I had time, I would cut them a few times. On holidays, it would last for a few hours. I have cut hundreds of snowflakes in two or three months. As the number continues to climb, I found that although hundreds of snowflakes are the same, they always feel that there are some shortcomings. It is difficult to name each snowflake and it is difficult to summarize the category of each snowflake paper-cut.
As a lifelong hobby of calligraphy, I began to think of Chinese characters and calligraphy. This makes me feel the key point. If the text and snowflakes can be compatible and integrated together, it will not only be able to name each snowflake paper-cut work ingeniously, easily, and straight to the theme, but also ensure that the snowflake paper-cut pattern may be completely avoided from the same. problem. The Xinhua dictionary alone contains as many as 10,000 words. If we use different calligraphy styles such as the real cursive and official seal lines, expand the two-character words, three-character words, and four-character idioms, and use English letters, phonetic symbols, and even multiple languages, Will find an inexhaustible vast space. I started with simple Chinese characters, then cut out a number of Chinese character phonetic symbols, and then cut out some common Chinese and English vocabulary and several Chinese characters in Tang poems.
Paper-cutting requires a certain degree of calligraphy skills, which I am absolutely sure to do, because in 1999 I became a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and I can do all kinds of real, cursive, official, seal, and xing styles. In addition, the key to paper-cutting is uninterrupted. It is difficult to connect the dots and pens of each character. This happens to be my strong point, because continuous strokes and hollow characters are my special skill. In September 1999, I set the Guinness World Record for writing 5200 consecutive hollow words.
(Certificate No. 00812). It is handy and easy to apply his skills to snowflake paper-cutting. After the experiment was successful, I tried to cut out colorful snowflake patterns again using colored paper. I first cut out 300 surnames in color, and then cut out more than 30 names of provinces, cities, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and then cut out nearly 30 names of provincial capitals, followed by 25 cities in Taiwan and
There are 18 regional names in Hong Kong. From January to February 2012, I started to create and complete colorful Chinese 12 Chinese Zodiac and English 12 Chinese Zodiac snowflake paper-cut works. On May 27, 2013, the 3,180 paper-cuts of different shapes I created were accepted by the World Record Association as the world record for "The Most Different Snowflake Paper-cuts in the World".
My biggest feeling about this is: there is no lack of beauty in this world, but the eyes that discover beauty are lacking. In fact, beauty is right in front of you, right under your hands. As long as we have a pair of eyes to discover beauty and dare to try, we can create miracles on earth.
Four, speech and recitation
A speech is also called a lecture or a speech. It refers to a public place, using voice language as the main method and body language as an auxiliary method to express one's own opinions and opinions clearly and completely, clarify the truth or express emotions in response to a specific problem. A language communication activity for propaganda and agitation. Through speech, you can exercise your courage, cultivate your good psychological quality, logical thinking ability and communication ability, improve your language expression ability, and exercise your eloquence. Today in the 21st century, talents are the most precious, and eloquence is very important to talents. Of course, deep knowledge is needed. In real life, newcomers need eloquence in their self-introduction, job bidding, product promotion, communication with others, and so on. Therefore, the tangible benefits of speeches are indeed too much.
Recitation is also an art. It is said to be art because: First, the reciter is faced with a variety of article content and literary forms. Through the recitation, people can come into contact with a large number of excellent American essays, thereby improving their ideological and artistic realm and quality connotation. The second is that the process of recitation is the process by which the reciter continuously creates text art into sound art. Its second creation requires the reciter to constantly mobilize his thoughts, emotions, and expression skills to implement it. A large number of recitations can greatly improve their thinking. Emotional expression level and language expression level. Art itself is a comprehensive expression of thought, state, emotion, and technique. Third, recitation means that the reciter uses himself as a carrier to create sound art works without using a second carrier. For this reason, recitation is more direct and inspiring. It can directly express a real and aesthetically valuable thing. The shock of a good recitation is far beyond what other arts can achieve. Therefore, to learn recitation is to learn the art of language expression. No matter what the difficult question, no matter how profound and difficult the article is, it will become simple, easy to understand, charming, and full of beauty in an instant through the recitation of an excellent reciter.
The importance of imitation and interest: When I was young, learning to walk and talk started from imitation. The accumulation of knowledge and skills starts from imitating other people's things, and when they are accumulated, there will be the possibility of innovation. Learning Chinese and English language subjects especially need to be able to imitate. When you first learn a foreign language, imitate it. Just like a parrot, listen to what foreigners say and imitate their pronunciation and intonation, and you will find the feeling slowly. Up. Learning calligraphy, painting, singing, recitation, etc. also require the ability to imitate.
Confucius said: "Those who know are not as good as those who know." Indeed, interest is the best teacher, and interest can stimulate people's unlimited potential.