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May 17, 2020 at 11:00:00 PM

吳亞儒 中醫師,L.Ac.,DAOM

中醫體質調養 B部��分: 問答+八字和風水

中醫體質調養倆單元的B部分。主要是 問答+八字和風水和健康的關係。

解釋A單元沒有解答完的中醫體質調養,包括中醫體質問卷的九種體質,還有生辰和風水。學員要問風水的將房子開門的方向,家裡的floor plan(blue print 最好,比例方向不對完全沒法推算),最少是等比例的,都發給吳醫師。



Chinese Medicine for Improving Constitution (B)

May 17, 2020

Yaron Wu, L.Ac.,DAOM

中醫體質調養 B部分: 問答+八字和風水

This is the second part of the 2-part series Chinese Medicine for Improving Constitution. This part includes Q&A, the relationship among Bazi, Feng Shui and your health.

Explain the portion of TCM constitution that has not been explained in Part A, including the nine constitutions in the TCM Physique Questionnaire, as well as birth date and Feng Shui. This lecture demonstrates how to calculate Feng Shui. If students want to ask about Feng Shui, they send the answers to Dr. Wu together with the direction of opening of the door, and the floor plan of the house (blue print is the best) prior the meeting and their cases were discussed in this lecture. Blue print is needed for assessing if some ratios are problematic.

In addition, the students also indicated who own the house? For the student, they give his/her own birthday, for a couple, they provide the spouse's birthday. Year and month and day will do. No specific date of birth is required. If the parents, the father’s birthday is required. Feng Shui is calculated based on the male host and the owner. The hostess who is single is calculated based on the data of hostess. Feng Shui also takes account of other membeers living at home. It does not count if the parents live differently. The child has left the house won't counted in Feng Shui calculation.

Through Q&A and case discussions Dr. Wu guides trainees to learn on various methods of physical fitness improvement.

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