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Happy Lamb Coupon Sign Up

減價$10優惠券 / $10 Off Every $50 Purchase:
有效期限 / Coupon Valid Through: 09/30/2021
優惠/Discount: 每$50優惠$10 / $10 discount each $50 purchase
限用於 快樂小羊@庫珀提諾店 / To be redeemed at Happy Lamb @ Cupertino Only
限用於晚餐菜單的項目 / Limited to dinner menu items
僅適用於堂食 / Valid for dine-in order only
限用於一次消費不可換現金 / Only redeemable in 1 purchase, no cash back
限單一優惠不可和其他優惠一起使用 / Can't combine multiple offers
快樂小羊保留優惠解釋權/Happy Lamb reserves all rights for rule interpretation
Happy Lamb Hot Pot @ Cupertino, CA
19062 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: (408) 996-9919