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吳亞儒醫師十週養身治病課程。吳醫師會於每星期將該週的教學影片和功課的網址寄到您的Google 電子信箱。您必需於每星期完成該週課程和作業。在您完成十週課程後您會收到一個認證號碼。請將認證號碼和原先收到的“電子確認郵件”一起寄到, 您將會收到$$$美金的小雨點基金會的贊助支票。

This is a course consist of 10 weeks online lessons. For the next ten weeks Dr. Wu will send information regarding accessing the instruction video and homework of a weekly lesson to your google email address. You must complete all ten lessons in order to receive an authorization code for $$$ rebate in your email box. When receiving the code please an email including the authorization code, and your registration confirmation email to A $$$ check will be sent to you by J&H Foundation, the sponsor of the class.

Be Friend with Your Body

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